No Diablo 5 anytime soon, but Diablo 4 is getting at least two expansions


Once Blizzard removed the Diablo 3 auction house and adjusted the drop rates in the game, the public’s opinion of the game changed. Unfortunately, the celebrated ARPG never got the post-launch content it deserved.

This is something that Blizzard hopes to correct with Diablo 4, and the studio already has a plan for the new seasons as well as the more traditional meaty expansions.

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It will take you a while to explore every corner of Diablo 4’s open world.

In an interview with Kinda fun gamesDiablo general manager Rod Fergusson confirmed that the studio is already working on not one, but two expansions for Diablo 4. Seasonal content aside, of course, something new for Diablo.

“We have to build things in parallel,” Fergusson explained. We’re about to launch the main game, we’re finishing up season one, we’re working on season two, we’re working on expansion one, we’re starting expansion two, all of that is happening right now. “

This is the first time that Blizzard has talked about Diablo 4 post-launch content beyond the Season Passes. The developer said it hoped for the first season sometime in July, with each season lasting about a quarter of a year, giving casual gamers a chance to catch up.

However, the type of content included in each season remains the biggest mystery. With that being said, Fergusson revealed that each season will bring new narrative content that will move the story forward and introduce players to new season mechanics.

So far, Blizzard is making good use of Diablo 4’s live service. While the in-game store is already live, with prices as atrocious as you’d expect for free-to-play games, the developer has quickly released two patches along with the fixes. server side.

If this is the cadence we should expect from the developer, it bodes well for the future of the game. The link at the top will take you to our many Diablo 4 guides, like how to get a mount, where to find all of Lilith’s altars, these crucial gameplay tips, and much more.


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