Will GTA 5’s Michael return in GTA 6? His voice actor is keeping things mysterious


With a reveal of the long-awaited GTA 6 potentially imminent, the voice actor behind GTA 5’s Michael has responded to a fan asking whether the character could be in for a return in the series’ next entry in rather coy fashion.

Following a report that claimed Rockstar could be planning to announce the game as soon as this week, before putting out a trailer in December, chatter about the game among fans on social media has naturally reached fever pitch. Some have even gone as far as wondering aloud whether their favourite characters from previous GTAs might play some kind of role in the new game.

One such fan on Twitter has asked actor Ned Luke, who provided the dulcet tones of GTA Online’s Michael De Santa, whether Los Santos’ most infamous angry dad will be coming back in some fashion in GTA 6. Luke decided to respond by simply declaring: “It’s a mystery”, followed by five star emojis.

This could easily just be the actor deciding to have a bit of fun with people by not immediately pouring cold water on the idea that big Mike could be in line to rock up at some point during the events of the next entry in Rockstar’s crime series. Then again, given that he’ll now likely be bothered on a daily basis by people eager to try and learn more about the game, it’s interesting that Luke went the enigmatic route.

To be fair, the GTA series has seen plenty of characters pop up in a number of different entries. For example, you probably remember stomping through a number of major players from GTA 4’s The Lost and Damned as Trevor Phillips during the early stages of GTA 5’s main story. Meanwhile, minor players like Lazlow Jones have become regular parts of the series’ satirically-charged backdrops.

Then again, Michael could easily get a similar treatment to GTA 4’s Niko Bellic, with a key player in GTA 6 simply muttering that they once heard rumours of some movie producer in Los Santos having once played a part in a series of legendary robberies, but don’t think there’s any truth behind them.

Regardless of whether any cameos from characters who played major roles in past GTA titles are on your GTA 6 wishlist, make sure to check out ours.


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