Wait a minute, you can even make music in Tears of the Kingdom?
In another “you can do what now” moment from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it turns out that you can make music in the game.
There are many things you can do in Tears of the Kingdom. You can rise through anything, even if players keep forgetting each other. You can merge all kinds of cool things. And apparently, you can even make music. No, you won’t find a secret harp or other classic Zelda instrument hidden away in one of the game’s many shrines, cool as that is. Instead, it’s just the players that do the most with the ultra hand, and one of the Zonai items you can get in the game, the stakes.
The main use of bets is that you can insert them into almost anything else; they essentially bend physics and can be pushed into most butter-smooth walls, allowing you to attach other objects to them. Mainly useful for building ladders and other gadgets, but one thing you may have noticed about them is that when you hit them they make a sound. And what is most interesting, the tone changes depending on the depth of the soil in which they are placed.
As shown by the composer max, you can produce different tones and sounds by using rears on a tire and then hitting the stakes. However, fellow songwriter bran8bit took this a step further by discovering that stringing stakes together can produce an even wider range of tones, leading them to make the one song that should be made, Undertale’s Megalovania.
This is one of those things that makes you question whether the developers intended for players to be able to do this, since they didn’t need to go to the effort of making the bets have different shades depending on how integrated they were. It could also just be a credit to the player’s creativity, which is undeniably true either way. I’m sure there will be a lot of great things for players to discover in the years to come.