VG247’s The Best Games Ever Podcast – Ep.23: The best 6/10 that’s better than The Last of Us


“Look, it’s very simple,” Jim said. “Review scores are not a flat scale, they are all kinds of rubber and compartmentalized.”

“What the hell are you talking about now?” Burns replied, already tired of this.

Jim thought for a second, looking at his flexible meatball marinara, fresh from Croydon’s worst Subway (which takes some work). “Well, consider the food.”

“The things you eat?” Burns said.

“Yes,” Jim clarified. “So the best you can get from McDonald’s-“

“Great Tasty,” Burns interrupted.

“Yeah, so -” Jim continued, “The Big Tasty with bacon.”

“No, just the Big Tasty,” Burns interrupted again.

“No bacon?” Jim asked.

“Donalds bacon is too smoky, it overpowers the meat.” Burns said, with the authority of a man who, on several occasions, had eaten more than once a day at McDonald’s: quite possibly the only person who did so without being on staff.

“Okay,” Jim sighed, now regretting the whole conversation, and possibly the decision to take the job with Burns, move to Croydon, everything. All of it. “So Big Tasty is a ten out of ten McDonald’s, right?”

Burns nodded reverently.

“So,” Jim continued, “if you had gone to a nice Italian restaurant and ordered the rissoto, you’d end up with something perfectly good, but you know, by Italian cooking standards, it’s a solid seven. There’s nothing to sniff at, just that he’s in a different league. A seven out of ten meal at an Italian restaurant is better than a ten out of ten hamburger at Donald’s. And that’s the theory. Like Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days is a great 7, but The Last of Us is a shitty 9.”

Burns considered this for what seemed like several minutes, finally coming to a conclusion: “No. I do not agree.

“Wait what? Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days is great, but its inherent seven out of ten is undeniable, and as for The Last of Us,” Jim protested, until Burns interrupted him again.

“No, not that.” Burns clarified, reassuringly. “I don’t accept that a Big Tasty is worse than some Tory porridge you have at Carluccios. I do not accept, frankly, that nothing is better than a Big Tasty: the Ronseal of hamburgers”.

Anyway, welcome to VG247’s The Best Games Ever Podcast: Ep.23: The best 6/10 that’s better than The Last of Us.

Let us know what you think of the show, and if this is your first time listening to it, check back for previous episodes. If you have topic suggestions we’d love to hear them because frankly we’re running low on them which is why we’re doing this nonsense based on ten point review scores that this very website you’re reading doesn’t actually have. theme.

“What is VG247’s Best Games Ever Podcast?” you ask? Well, it’s essentially a 30-minute panel where people (Jim Trinca and associates) decide on the best game in a specific category. That is all. It’s good. listen to it We’ve got some details on the show’s content below, and we’ve also got a fan-created artist’s impression of what Chris Bratt might look like as a burger. (Support VG247’s friends, People Make Games, at patreon).

The best 6/10 that is better than The Last of Us

This is the theme of the twenty-third episode of VG247’s Best Games Ever podcast. Here’s a rundown of who chose what.

Tom – beat

Vanquish is a weird shooter game from the folks who made Bayonetta and it’s a good one, cheers.

Alex – Death Stranding

Death Stranding is a strange messaging simulator of the type that Metal Gear Solid did, cheers.

James – Outriders

Outriders is a weird live shooter game from the folks who made Bulletstorm, cheers.

Check back in a week for another exciting installment of VG247’s Best Games Ever podcast.


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