USA Today Crossword June 6 2023 Answers
You are probably here to find: USA Today Crossword June 6, 2023 Answers. We recommend our visitors to play and take advantage of their free time solving crossword puzzles, as it helps to strengthen our memory.
___ did you know? . . 3 letters | SICK |
Down in the dumpsters 3 letters | SAD |
fine coin 4 letters | TEN CENTS |
Sandbox 4 letters | CUBE |
match 5 letters | FUSES |
Symbol touched on the screen of a phone 4 letters | ICON |
I eat some fried food 4 letters | OILY |
jumped 5 letters | JUMPED OFF |
DNA sequence 4 letters | GENE |
Hair products that do not need water 11 letters | DRY SHAMPOOS |
beaver construction 3 letters | PREY |
Grace under pressure 5 letters | BALANCE |
tram 7 letters | FORKLIFT TRUCK |
___ is not the fruit of labor but the result of organized protected robbery (Frantz Fanon) 6 letters | CAN |
Poet Angelou 4 letters | MAYA |
marry 3 letters | GET MARRY |
5 letter neck warmer | SCARF |
Part of a daisy 5 letters | PETAL |
Queen in Frozen 4 letters | elsa |
5 letters for adults | ADULT |
Prefix between bi- and quadri- 3 letters | TRI |
Flashing light phenomenon 12 letters. | STROBE EFFECT |
I cried 5 letters | CRIED |
Give a beep 4 letters | CAREFUL |
Gradually collect 5 letters | TO GLEAN |
Beyond Vietnam (1967) 3 short letter announcer | MLK |
Orinoco Flow singer 4 letters | ENIA |
feel bad 3 letters | AFFLICT |
jet like lava 4 letters | THROW |
You’re not mad at me, are you? 6 letters | WE’RE OK |
Do not disturb 10 letters | LEAVE ALONE |
Currency in Athens and Zagreb 4 letters | EURO |
Opposite of 4 letters | ANTI |
Reef building organism 5 letters | CORAL |
monotone routines 4 letters | ROUTES |
A bit of choreography 4 letters | PASSED |
5 finished letters | FINALIZED |
fight 4 letters | SPIT |
21st century 4 letter analog walkman | iPods |
Supervillain’s hideout 4 letters | DEN |
Floating frog hangers 8 letters | LILY PADS |
I was wrong and what? 5 letters | SUE ME |
Like yesterday! 4 letters | as soon as possible |
Bus building 5 letters | DEPOSIT |
be in 3 letters | DIG |
cold espresso drink 9 letters | FROZEN |
Singer Janelle 5 letters | MONEY |
Enemy 5 letters | ENEMY |
Clorox competitor 5 letters | LYSOL |
memorization aid 9 letters | FLASH MEMORY CARD |
Meteorological event 5 letters | STORM |
popular songs 4 lyrics | HITS |
Bubble bath font 4 letters | SOAP |
Caustic chemical 3 letters | BLEACH |
SummerSlam organization. 3 letters | WWE |
3 letter snake shaped fish | EEL |
Kerfuffle 3 letters | ADO |
massage 3 letters | RUB |
Small speck of color 5 letters | STAIN |
curved path 3 letters | BOW |
Class in which books of 3 short letters are studied | ILLUMINATED |
Bangladesh continent 4 letters | ASIA |
Salabat for example 3 letters | TEA |
I need a massage 5 letters | TENSE |
Available 4 letters | FREE |
Sword-wielding athletes 7 letters | fencers |
One represented by a lawyer 6 letters | CUSTOMER |
sympathize 6 letters | RELATE |
Luxury parties 5 letters | GALA |
Melon or sweet melon 5 letters | MELON |
The ___: Generation Q 5 letters | L-WORD |
Night common text 5 letters | YOUUP |
Largest artery in the human body 5 letters | AORTA |
Runner’s Stat 4 Letters | PASSED |
Torch 4 letters | WELD |
4 missing letters | LOST |
A-lister 3 letters | VIP |
Scottish negative 3 letters | NAE |