USA Today Crossword July 5 2023 Answers


You are probably here to find: USA Today Crossword July 5, 2023 Answers. We recommend our visitors to play and take advantage of their free time solving crossword puzzles, as it helps to strengthen our memory.

USA Today Crossword July 5, 2023 Answers:

Carry the Olympic flame 5 letters TORCH
Shaded scheme 4 letters SCAM
Mysterious sky sightings 4 letters ufos
Humpback or beluga 5 letters WHALE
Alternative walker 4 letters CANE
Puzzle with output 4 letters LABYRINTH
As expected 15 letters ACCORDING TO THE PLAN
*shrug* 6 letters NO IDEA
Hidden name in partial eclipse 4 letters ALEC
Twelfth Graders (Abbr.) 3 Letters MR
That ___ without saying 4 letters GOES
Ivy in New Haven 4 letters YALE
Motorized ride with two wheels 5 letters BICYCLE
High-end camera type 3 letters reflex camera
Palm-rolled style 4 letters loc
Touch lovingly 6 letters CARESS
like velvet 4 letters GENTLE
That’s terrible! 4 letters OH NO
Warm and decadent banana split with 13 letters HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE
Quantity of ice cream 4 letters HALF LITER
Tiny skin opening 4 letters PORE
Art form for Yvie Oddly 4 letters DRAG
6 markedly uneven letters JAGGED
___ mortals 4 letters MERE
Day___ paint 3 letters GLO
That’s terrible! 3 letters yuck
Curtain holder 3 letters STICK
bee for one 6 letters INSECT
Indignant question to someone who just broke into 12 letters YOU DO NOT WANT
smell 4 letters SMELL
Get Shorty actress Russo 4 letters RENÉ
lubricated 5 letters OILED
Fence entrance 4 letters DOOR
crockpot plate 4 letters STEW
College Basketball Star Angel 5 Letters reese
I have 4 letters I SEE
ready to use 3 letters PLACE
Adjustments to a 5 letter manuscript EDITIONS
Characteristics of the voices of some country artists 6 letters QUIET
Huh ordered 6 letters OH COOL
More bawdy 6 letters FASTER
piles of dirt 5 letters clods
This same place 4 letters HERE
The S in STEAM education (Abbr.) 3 letters SCI
Artificial watercourses 6 letters CHANNELS
One of five in a pentagon 5 letters ANGLE
Homophone and anagram of meeting 4 letters ASSIGN
Sports official who calls strikes 3 letters UMP
Familiarly False Eyelashes 6 Letters FAKE
Missouri’s Lake of the ___ 6 letters ozarks
Feels intuitively 6 letters SENSES
Short break 6 letters DAY OFF
Pacific Indian, etc. 6 letters OCEANS
misbehave 5 letters Update
Wide range of 5 letters BROAD
state gambling game 7 letters LOTTERY
Oat-based cereal bit 7 letters CHEERIO
Be my baby or always be my baby 4 letters SONG
Creature like Shrek 4 letters OGRE
It’s good to finish in 8 letters HIGH NOTE
Counterpart of Sub 3 letters SUN
We strongly recommend 4 letters URGE
Math class with derivatives for 4 short letters CALCULATE
Showbiz of four awards feat 4 letters EGOT
Staggered sacred towers 7 letters PAID
Uniform for an Olympic martial art 6 letters JUDOGI
Are there more ___ or wheels in the world? 5 letters DOORS
Title of the Jay-Z song that aptly rhymes with his lyrics Want more? 6 letters BIS
Melodies for two voices 5 letters DUOS
Competed in a 5 letter slalom SKI
Palm or pine 4 letters TREE
Leg joint 4 letters KNEE
Little amphibian 4 letters TRITON
Flower necklace 3 letters READ
Numeric guess (abbr.) 3 letters its T
___ Moines Iowa 3 letters OFF

USA Today’s July 5, 2023 Crossword Puzzle Answers appeared first on Daily Answers.


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