USA Today Crossword July 16 2023 Answers


You are probably here to find: USA Today Crossword July 16, 2023 Answers. We recommend our visitors to play and take advantage of their free time solving crossword puzzles, as it helps to strengthen our memory.

USA Today Crossword July 16, 2023 Answers:

Like the 4 letters of Lisa from Blackpink THAI
Caught red-handed 3 letters TAKE
. . . about 4 letters MORE OR LESS
Physical height 5 letters BUILD
Look what I did! 4 letters TADA
Counterpart of Pedi 4 letters PEANUT
___-5 Saxon letters ANGLO
Long dental procedure 9 letters ROOT CHANNEL
oohs and ___ 4 letters AAHS
___ card (cell phone insert) 3 letters SIM card
Pay homage to 6 letters HONORS
Gradually dripping 4 letters LEAK OUT
don’t worry 7 letters ALRIGHT
Puff pastry that can have veal filling 7 letters MEATLOAF
clumsy people 4 letters OAFS
___ do my best 3 letters SICK
In vogue 7 letters FASHION
Zero Dark Thirty org. 3 letters INC
Confidentiality document for 3 short letters NDA
Blanchett who played Lydia Tar 4 letters cate
Person who rents an apartment 6 letters TENANT
Start of an idea 4 letters GERM
Nutrients in rice and quinoa 5 letters CARBOHYDRATES
Spanish for these 4 letters THIS
Bread that may have caraway seeds 3 letters RYE
Web designer language 4 letters HTML
Hello to a colleague 5 letters HELLO DARLING
Place for pore strips 4 letters NOSE
Joule ohm and pascal 5 letters UNITS
The largest city in Tibet 5 letters LASA
What brings a window fan in 8 letters FRESH AIR
Chado and gongfu cha are part of it 10 letters THEACULTURE
furry red muppet 4 letters elmo
The species of Shrek and Fiona 4 letters OGRE
I prepared to put 5 letters MANAGED
Do not fake 4 letters REAL
Chickpea guts 4 letters PODS
Property papers 5 letters WANDERINGS
NBC sketch show with over 900 episodes 3 letters snl
Popular sashimi fish 4 letters TUNA
What a big raise could result in 10 cards HIGH SALARY
Good to go! 6 letters ALL READY
Words from girlfriend to girlfriend 3 letters YEAH
Comedian Watanabe 5 letters noemi
Brouhaha 3 letters ADO
Bathtub Additives That Relax Sore Muscles 9 Letters BATH SALTS
Many students of Muscat University 6 letters OMANIS
He talked and talked 5 letters RAN IN
Part of a battery of 5 letters TRAP
Liquids used for tonkatsu 4 letters OILS
barnyard bleat 3 letters BLEAT
Prefix for sheath or tip 3 letters TRI
Drip or pour product 6 letters COFFEE
Dish often topped with warm bacon dressing 12 letters SPINACH SALAD
4 large scale letters EPIC
Article in a playground 3 letters TOY
Actress ___-Na Wen 4 letters MING
respected senior 5 letters ELDERLY
Great property 6 letters ESTATE
Semester or trimester 4 letters TERM
Lots of flea market transactions 9 letters CASH SALES
4 letter fan IN
lots and lots 4 letters ATON
___ this or that 7 letters NEITHER
Pose a 7 letter threat THREATS
lack clarity 7 letters BLURRED
It is in ___ at the end of wit 3 letters HIS
The Brutus Buckeye show. 3 letters USO
He is not able to do without 5 letters. NEEDS
Brick hurts to step on 4 letters LEGO
4 difficult letters HARD
be furious 4 letters SMOKE
Ms. Marvel star Vellani 4 letters MAGNET
Form of many sushi orders 4 letters ROLL
Turtleneck or 3 letter blouse ABOVE
Word whose letters are found correctly in overtime 3 letters TIE

USA Today’s July 16, 2023 Crossword Puzzle Answers appeared first on Daily Answers.


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