Unusually long queue times ruined Diablo 4’s Season of the Malignant launch


The first season of Diablo 4 officially kicked off worldwide last night. Season of the Malignant is an event that many of those who fell in love with Diablo 4 had been anticipating, but the overwhelming negative response to the pre-season patch might have led you to believe turnout would be poor.

Whether the people complaining are stuck in their own bubble or the game’s servers just had unfortunate issues at launch, the result is still the same: most people couldn’t play when the season started.

The two most common issues have been extremely long wait times to enter games and random disconnections. The long queue times were exacerbated by the absence of a countdown or any kind of indication of how far down the queue the player is or how long they will have to wait to enter.

“Queued for game start, game start pending” is the message everyone was looking at last night. In fact, if you check out Diablo 4 on Twitch, you’ll find most of the streams live with the content creator sitting in his chair staring at said screen, waiting for the servers to let them in.

The problem was alleviated somewhat an hour later when the game started showing a royal wait time, which could be up to 40. I saw about 15-20 minutes myself, and one disconnect gave me a nice 35 minute wait.

Have you thought about quitting? Can they get out so I can sign in?
by u/Melicalol in devil4

The server overload also caused some disconnections and in-game traversal/rubberband issues in all regions, which was particularly frustrating when it happened in the new season questline dungeon, as it meant having to make a long journey from the city you spawned in each time, not to mention replaying the entire dungeon.

Blizzard quickly recognized the problem (which affected both the Americas as well as Europe), saying that it is investigating the cause. However, the wait times were eventually reduced, but Blizzard did not offer an update on the cause or if the issue was permanently resolved.

As of this writing, you can move on to Diablo 4 without much trouble, so I hope it stays that way for the rest of the day and into the weekend. If you weren’t able to log in last night, you should definitely do this step before starting a new season character.


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