Universal Crossword November 6 2023 Answers


You are here probably to find: Universal Crossword November 6 2023 Answers. We recommend our visitors to play and bring their free time solving crossword puzzles, because it helps strengthen our memory.

Universal Crossword November 6 2023 Answers:

Tiger’s mouth say 3 letters MAW
No sitting on the couch Fido! 3 letters OFF
Period of inactivity 6 letters STASIS
Early Beatles label 3 letters EMI
Aida solo 4 letters ARIA
___ My Dear (Beatles song) 6 letters MARTHA
Eight plus two 3 letters TEN
Tooting orchestra group (In this answer note letters 1-3 and 5-6) 11 letters HORNSECTION
Evasive football tactic 6 letters ENDRUN
Beer initials after triple 3 letters IPA
D&D e.g. 3 letters RPG
Chiwere-speaking tribe 4 letters OTOE
Mark for misconduct (… 1-2 and 4-5) 7 letters DEMERIT
Lines of seats 4 letters ROWS
Veer off course 3 letters YAW
Branch of Islam 4 letters SHIA
___ a living 3 letters ITS
Throw forcefully 4 letters HURL
Nuclear power ___ 5 letters PLANT
The date of the Qixi Festival is based on it (… 6-7 and 9-10) 15 letters CHINESECALENDAR
I Think We’re ___ Now (song) 5 letters ALONE
Take a breather 4 letters REST
Wash. neighbor 3 letters ORE
Initials before a summary online 4 letters TLDR
Word after wine or chocolate 3 letters BAR
Fictional journalist Lane 4 letters LOIS
California’s ___ Valley (… 3-4 and 6-7) 7 letters SILICON
Jason’s ship 4 letters ARGO
Ball poetically 3 letters ORB
A mouse!! 3 letters EEK
Bud from way back 6 letters OLDPAL
Officers’ territories (… 7 and 9-10) 11 letters POLICEBEATS
Queensland bird 3 letters EMU
Traveled with the band 6 letters TOURED
Parks who fueled a movement by refusing to move 4 letters ROSA
___ Trung Thu (festival) 3 letters TET
Commits plagiarism 6 letters STEALS
Land parcel 3 letters LOT
Opposite of NNW 3 letters SSE
Speedy as a rise to fame 8 letters METEORIC
You said it! 10 letters AMENTOTHAT
Where a pie may be set to cool 10 letters WINDOWSILL
Iolani Palace’s island 4 letters OAHU
Palm’s leaf 5 letters FROND
Tree with needles 3 letters FIR
Defame during a campaign 5 letters SMEAR
Tic ___ (mint) 3 letters TAC
Printmaking e.g. 3 letters ART
Hubbub 4 letters STIR
Flapjack chain 4 letters IHOP
Performed like Adele 4 letters SANG
Baked treat that’s aptly dividing five hidden words in this puzzle 13 letters ANIMALCRACKER
Explode like a geyser 4 letters SPEW
Hi-___ monitor 3 letters RES
Bronte’s Jane 4 letters EYRE
Speck in the sea 5 letters ISLET
Better ___ ever 4 letters THAN
Cooped-up cats e.g. 10 letters INDOORPETS
Missile Command and Centipede for two 10 letters ATARIGAMES
Matisse or Poincare 5 letters HENRI
Manipulate 3 letters USE
___ and thx 3 letters PLS
Agrees wordlessly 4 letters NODS
Prefix with space 4 letters AERO
Firmly determined 8 letters RESOLUTE
The ___ (pop star Justin to fans) 4 letters BIEB
Young fellow 3 letters LAD
Yorkshire city 5 letters LEEDS
Untrue! 5 letters NOTSO
Chooses 4 letters OPTS
Taro or turnip 4 letters ROOT
Like the Smurfs 4 letters BLUE
Exam for a J.D.-to-be 4 letters LSAT
Science Friday host Flatow 3 letters IRA
Bambi frame 3 letters CEL
Trailblazing ISP 3 letters AOL

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