Universal Crossword July 27 2023 Answers


You are here probably to find: Universal Crossword July 27 2023 Answers. We recommend our visitors to play and bring their free time solving crossword puzzles, because it helps strengthen our memory.

Universal Crossword July 27 2023 Answers:

Island near Java 4 letters BALI
Study frantically 4 letters CRAM
Exchange 4 letters SWAP
Big biblical baddie 5 letters SATAN
Dance at a luau 4 letters HULA
Biblical pronoun 4 letters THOU
*Career in locomotives? 10 letters TRACKFIELD
Site with lists of top restaurants 4 letters YELP
Smoke or fog e.g. 7 letters AEROSOL
Come to my office 5 letters SEEME
Pinot ___ (white wine grape) 4 letters GRIS
___ Miz 3 letters LES
Isolates in business speak 5 letters SILOS
Smidgen 3 letters TAD
Appreciating the humor of 8 letters AMUSEDBY
Older partner? 5 letters WISER
Crow 4 letters BRAG
University leader 4 letters DEAN
Mathematician Lovelace 3 letters ADA
*Land on the starting space in Monopoly? 7 letters TOUCHGO
Theater chain with a Nicole Kidman campaign 3 letters AMC
Cast Away vessel 4 letters RAFT
Berry that’s a superfood 4 letters ACAI
Book of maps 5 letters ATLAS
Everything in a pizza order 8 letters THEWORKS
Slide down the bunny hill say 3 letters SKI
How tragic 5 letters SOSAD
___ tai 3 letters MAI
Cologne aroma 4 letters MUSK
Sports analyst Shaquille 5 letters ONEAL
Doesn’t end soon enough 7 letters DRAGSON
It can be shameless 4 letters PLUG
*Gathering spot at a carnival? 10 letters FAIRSQUARE
Radius or ulna e.g. 4 letters BONE
Measure of land 4 letters ACRE
Join forces 5 letters UNITE
Country singer Wynonna 4 letters JUDD
You ___ what you sow 4 letters REAP
Hannah’s middle name? 4 letters ANNA
More naked 5 letters BARER
Frogger console 5 letters ATARI
Fashion brand with a crocodile logo 7 letters LACOSTE
Tattoo parlor supplies 4 letters INKS
Santiago’s country 5 letters CHILE
McClanahan of The Golden Girls 3 letters RUE
___ Well That Ends Well 4 letters ALLS
Cooked up 4 letters MADE
Thwarted 7 letters STYMIED
*Good price on a tire? 9 letters WHEELDEAL
You’ve got mail co. 3 letters AOL
Baby otter 3 letters PUP
Without a date 4 letters STAG
Step when making a paper airplane 4 letters FOLD
Snaky curve 3 letters ESS
Roasts are filled with it 7 letters SARCASM
The Light We Carry author Michelle 5 letters OBAMA
Coordinates as tech devices 5 letters SYNCS
Gallery contents 3 letters ART
When repeated a tropical fish 4 letters MAHI
Comfy boot brand 3 letters UGG
Facial features for a witch costume 5 letters WARTS
The Gem State 5 letters IDAHO
*Faint click while turning a dial? 9 letters SAFESOUND
Dollar 4 letters BUCK
What a rower holds 3 letters OAR
Mighty tree 3 letters OAK
Sounded like a doorstop spring 7 letters TWANGED
Fashion guru of Project Runway fame 7 letters TIMGUNN
Uplifting poem 3 letters ODE
Knighted fellows 4 letters SIRS
Madison Ave. salesperson 5 letters ADREP
Sprinter Bolt 5 letters USAIN
Ish 5 letters SORTA
Joint above a shin 4 letters KNEE
At a distance 4 letters AFAR
Frilly fabric 4 letters LACE
Oceanic hue 4 letters AQUA
Sandwich with two spreads in brief 3 letters PBJ
Classic comedian Costello 3 letters LOU
Roth ___ 3 letters IRA


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