Those Parasite Eve rumours? Square Enix reveals it’s actually just an NFT


Just a few weeks ago, it came to light that Square Enix had trademarked a very fascinating word in Japan. The word was Symbiogenesis, and it’s something any Parasite Eve fan will be very familiar with, considering the word underpins the content of the 1995 horror game.

A new version of Parasite Eve is not in production, but soon you will be able to dive into Tactics Ogre: Reborn.

Of course, Parasite Eve fans began to get excited about the announcement of a new version, or even some kind of spin-off. For those who got their hopes up, I can only say my heart goes out to you, because of course Square Enix didn’t give the fans what they wanted. That said, fans will see Tactics Ogre: Reborn on November 11, which is something I guess.

Instead of announcing a new game or a new version, Square Enix has revealed that the trademark Symbiogenesis is in fact a new franchise for the company. A new franchise that describes itself as a “NFT Global Collectible Art Project” from Square Enix.

As a new franchise, it seems pretty unlikely that this NFT reveal is simply the start of a Parasite Eve revival. In fact, it appears to be entirely separate, which begs the question as to why Square Enix would use the name Symbiogenesis.

It certainly must feel like a kick in the teeth to be a fan of Parasite Eve right now. I can’t imagine if Konami’s Silent Hill revival turned out to be just an NFT project; Frankly, I’d be out of my mind.

Overall, it just sucks to see Square Enix, the publisher behind some of the best games of all time, fall into the realm of blockchain and NFT, instead of just making the games gamers are dying for.


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