That lovely looking stop-motion Pokemon show is out this December


Pokemon Concierge, the upcoming stop-motion series, will premiere on Netflix sometime this December.

If, like me, you loved 2019’s Rilakkuma and Kaoru stop-motion animated series, you were probably very happy to learn that the animators behind it, Dwarf Studio, were making a Pokemon series when it was announced back in February. Now, as shown in a cute Netflix Anime YouTube channel video featuring the voice actor behind the main character Rena Nōnen aka Non, we know that the show is coming to Netflix in December of this year. No specific release date was given, and it’s a surprisingly cold season to release a show that feels like it’s set in the summer, but hey, I’m happy to know when to expect it.

While the video didn’t really show the show in motion, it did give us a closer look at some of the Pokemon that will appear on it, like Psyduck, Eevee, Bulbasaur, Panpour, Pansage, and Pansear. The show’s director, Iku Ogawa, appeared alongside Non and said about the show, “It takes place at the Pokemon Resort, which is like a tropical island. Haru has just arrived to work as a janitor at the resort. It’s a story of its growth”. in the role of him.”

The video also noted that Non was filmed while acting, and that the animators used the footage as a reference for Haru’s facial movements. As reported by Kotakuat Anime Expo Non said about the show, “I’m sure we’ve all [felt like] we are bombarded, under pressure, or that we don’t want to get up and keep doing what we’ve been doing and just give up. But when you see Pokémon Concierge, it’s really therapeutic and makes you want to try to be the best you can be.”

Pokemon Concierge is coming out this December, as a collaboration between The Pokemon Company, Dwarf Studio, and Netflix.


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