Star Wars Outlaws will let you work with, or double-cross, Jabba the Hutt


Star Wars Outlaws It will let you take on some of the work of the one and only Jabba the Hutt, but that doesn’t mean you have to stick with him.

While there will be some new places and planets to visit in Massive Entertainment’s next open-world Star Wars game, you’ll of course get to visit the iconic Mos Eisley Cantina on Tatooine. And who else can you find there but Jabba, like in an interview between IGN With some of the developers behind Star Wars Outlaws, it’s been confirmed that you’ll be spending a lot of time in Jabba’s palace. You can work with him, but you can also betray him, which apparently has consequences.

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Director Julian Gerighty also noted how if you “close your eyes and give people the option to go anywhere on Tatooine? Mos Eisley. And specifically a watering hole in Mos Eisley. The opportunity is that you can see all the nooks and crannies. You can see all the things that are informed by the Lucasfilm archives.” Gerighty went on to say how the “virtual tourism concept is important to us”, an interesting idea that usually applies to games that take you to real world places like Yakuza games.

a recent behind the scenes video from Ubisoft also went into a bit more detail about Massive’s thought process of designing his version of Tatooine. You’ll obviously be able to see parts of Tatooine that you’re much more familiar with, but as art and world director Benedikt Podlesnigg points out, “It’s not just about recreating Tatooine as you know it, [but] going back to the classic sources of Spaghetti Westerns. We tried to recreate an authentic mood and feel, while building new points of interest to follow the established story.”

Star Wars Outlaws will be out sometime in 2024, on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.


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