Special Pokemon Presents presentation will be held next week on August 8


The Pokemon Company has announced it will host a special Pokemon Presents video presentation next week.

The stream will air on Tuesday, August 8, at 6am PT, 9am ET, and 2pm BST on the official Pokemon YouTube channel.

You can expect the presentation to last 30 minutes, and it will feature Pokemon news and a spotlight on the latest happenings across the brand.

Back in February, The Pokemon Company hosted a Pokemon Presents to celebrate Pokemon Day.

As for what to expect, there’s Pokemon Go Fest 2023 for August 18–20, and there will likely be news on the firm’s other mobile titles as well, Pokemon Masters EX and Unite – maybe even something on Pokemon Sleep.

News on upcoming DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is expects, as it’s set to release soon.

Called The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, the DLC will come in two parts: The Teal Mask, coming this fall, and the second part, The Indigo Disk, is slated for winter 2023. The DLC will offer new ways to explore the Paldea Region.

As for other Pokemon-related news, we’ll have to tune in and see what The Pokemon Company has in store for fans.


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