Someone managed to get PT on a non-jailbroken PS5, and it actually works


Just last week, we told you how someone managed to jailbreak the PS5, and sure enough, people started installing PT on their consoles as a result. PT, the game demo called Silent Hills, is a bit of an enigma in 2022.

It’s not exactly PT, but it’s appropriate. Here’s a throwback to the original Silent Hill.

PT arrived as an obscure demo back in 2014. It wasn’t until a short time later that someone discovered the puzzle and realized it was for an upcoming Silent Hill game. Silent Hills was then canceled after a dispute between Konami and Hideo Kojima, resulting in PT being removed from the PlayStation Store and fading into obscurity.

With that said, people have been chasing the high PT ever since. There have been several PC clones of the demo, many of them great but none perfect, and of course, in light of the news about a PS5 jailbreak, many tried their luck installing PT once again. Unfortunately, the game could be installed, but there was no way to launch it. Until now, anyway.

Streamer and modder Lance McDonald finally got PT running on a non-jailbroken PS5, and he’s been sharing the whole process with anyone interested on his Twitch channel.

So how has Lance pulled it off? Well, I’ll be honest, it’s not something many of us can do. So don’t flatter yourself that you’ll be playing PT tonight. Basically, Lance needed to legitimately own PT on a PSN account. He then activated his PSN account on a jailbroken PS5 console and a regular non-jailbroken console, and was able to go ahead and install the PKG file for the demo on the regular PS5.

This obviously required Lance to back up a lot of files that he didn’t want to lose. And that’s because, ultimately, you can try this out if you have two PS5s going around. However, this carries the risk of your account being banned.

This discovery comes at the perfect time, considering Konami finally broke the news of an upcoming Silent Hill reveal last night.


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