Somehow, Blizzard’s found a way to make things worse for beleaguered Diablo 4 Sorcerers


Diablo 4 players who have chosen to go the Sorcerer path have been in trouble for a while now. Sorcerers are meant to be glass cannons, with low survivability but incredibly high damage.

That’s always been the risk-reward involved in playing a Sorcerer/magic user in Diablo, but Diablo 4 has made his survivability much harder to maintain. Everyone was hoping that the Fiend patch preseason would fix that and give them better ways to stay alive.

Unfortunately, Blizzard had other ideas. Patch 1.1.0a, which went live this week, brought a staggering number of nerfs across the board. The blow for Sorcerers was double. First, as a result of a broader flattening of the crit bonus, the builds that relied on it the most have been hit hard, but no other class has felt the effects worse than wizards.

Blizzard then also nerfed almost every defensive stat the wizards relied on with their armor, which was effectively their only defense against high-tier monsters in world tier 3 and 4 of the game. To add insult to injury, one of the new items introduced with the patch – which players have been looking for – has an unfortunate side effect.

the oculus is a new Unique wand, supposedly a gift from Blizzard to Sorcerer players for what it offers. “Get the effect of the teleportation enchantment for free. When you evade using the teleportation enchantment, you are taken to a random location,” the description for him reads.

Making your dodge into a teleport is great for getting out of sticky situations, and the benefit here is that you get the “free” teleport without having to specify it. The problem is that the game simply can’t handle the random teleports that result from equipping The Oculus.


As you can see in the video below from the Reddit user dreamknoxvilleHowever, Diablo 4’s camera simply can’t keep up with the speed and change of location of these short-range teleports. Considering how this effect will become a constant when you equip The Oculus, you might find yourself dizzy just playing the game normally.

This is what Sorc’s new unique gameplay looks like (Flash Warning!)
by you/dreamknoxville in devil4

It doesn’t help that Diablo 4’s camera is so magnified, further accentuating the effects of the shifts, no matter how these shakes make it harder to follow your character and accurately respond to what’s going on.

“Maybe that’s why they nerfed the sorc. They think if you’re teleporting all over the place because you can’t control your character, the mobs won’t be able to hit you,” Reddit user. KF1eLd wrote jokingly.

The Season of the Wicked begins today. Before starting a season character, you absolutely, definitely need to do this. You’ll thank us later.


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