Six things you didn’t know you could do with Fuse in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has a ton of new abilities for you to try and experiment with, so here are some cool things Fuse can do!

Spoilers ahead!

Link has been tasked with a new adventure in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and new adventures require new powers—four of them, in fact. We have Recall, which might be the most powerful ability in the game. There’s Ascend, something that was originally just a developer debugging feature that was added because developers love to cheat. Or there’s Ultrahand, which is basically magnesium from the first game, only you can grab just about anything and make really wacky and wonderful creations.

Lastly, there’s Fuse, which allows you to do exactly that with your weapons and just about anything else in the game. Of course, there are plenty of things you can merge with, not all of them that useful or impressive. So here we have a list for you of six cool things you can do with Fuse that you may not have realized.

1. The rockets on the shields basically allow you to fly

You may have already seen that attaching a rocket to your shield can allow you to shoot into the sky, a useful replacement for Revali’s Gale. But did you know that you use it to turn your shield into a hoverboard?

@__or me_____ #totk #legendsdezelda #rockets ♬ die (accelerated) – lucidbeatz & key kelly

2. Lizalfos’ tails turn weapons into whips

If you feel like you really miss the Skyward Sword’s whip, then this one is for you (although no, you can’t use it to cross land unfortunately). This is one of those “heck, they really put a lot of thought into this game” type of fusion that really blows you away.

I found my new favorite fuse piece
by u/Comprehensive-Toe633 in tearsofthekingdom

3. The wings on the shields allow you to shoot in slow motion like Link on the ground.

One of Link’s best innate abilities is his superhuman ability to slow down time while shooting an arrow into the air. It turns out that if you attach a wing to one of your shields, it allows you to activate said slow motion while on flat ground.

PSA: Putting Wings on a shield allows you to slow-mo on flat ground
by you/jokermoonbow in tearsofthekingdom

4. Yes, you can fuse Riju’s toy seals with your weapons.

This one is mostly silly, but you can actually do it, and apparently if you talk to Riju afterwards, he realizes you did it!

You can fuse Rijus toy stamps with weapons 😭😭
by you/peachcait in tearsofthekingdom

5. Make very, very strong weapons

Most of the weapons you’ll encounter early in the game don’t deal much damage, but it turns out that fusing a Gibdo part together can do up to 80 damage, which will certainly help you screw up the game if that’s the type of player you’re after. are you.

+80 fuse damage
by u/flarbildy in tearsofthekingdom

6. Die!

Yeah, okay, not all fusion ideas are good, but it’s nice to know that attaching a bomb barrel to a boomerang will result in serious injury.

+80 fuse damage
by u/flarbildy in tearsofthekingdom


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