Sea of Thieves’ Season 8 brings new life to PvP with on-demand, faction action


sea ​​of ​​thieves Season 8 is on the way, bringing with it a proper port city, proper PvP action, and will see you purposely steer your ship underwater.

developer Weird have tried to do PvP in the past with Arena mode, but it was finally closed because hardly anyone played. But now, as shown in the recent Sea of ​​Thieves Season 8 trailer, a new version of PvP is coming, where players can choose between two rival factions, the Servants of the Flame or Guardians of the Fortune, but you can change between the two. Part of the problem with Arena was that it took place in a separate area, whereas now PvP will be in the overworld, as an optional experience.

If you decide that you want to go hunting for an opponent, you will have to do the unthinkable: sink your ship. Okay, not quite, but you will find yourself diving through the waves of the ocean as you prepare for the encounter to come. Then, once you’ve found someone to take on, you’ll rise from the depths and begin the battle. Don’t worry about your opponent sailing into the middle of the ocean, as a ring will form around the two ships preventing you from leaving, visible on your ship’s map.

Of course, winning a fight will net you some gold when you return to an outpost, with more based on how many ships you’ve shot down. You’ll also gain loyalty, which works similar to the experience you’ve earned with trading ventures, and is based on what you do for either faction. Shoot down enough ships and you’ll get a loyalty streak, which can give you more loyalty, but hitting a streak of four will mark you on the map for all to see, so make sure you’re a good player.

Taking treasure with you on your ship while sailing as a member of either faction will also increase the amount of loyalty you earn, and you’ll get even more if you shoot down ships while defending said treasure. Sailing as an emissary will increase that even more, although it does make you a more valuable target for other players.

Increasing your loyalty level will also earn you various cosmetic rewards, but the most exciting comes at loyalty level 100. Once you reach that high-level mark, you’ll gain access to special faction-only areas of Athena’s Tavern, or the Reaper’s Lair. , depending on which faction you’ve reached the level in (and you need to be a level 75 Pirate Legend or Reaper to do this in the first place).

There are also some exclusive rewards to be found in these secret areas, with the Fortune Keepers offering you Athena’s Fortune, which allows you to resemble some of the ghosts you might have encountered on your journey. While Reaper’s Lair will allow you to participate in a ritual to turn into a skeleton. Also, there are some new characters that can be found there, such as Bonesmith, which allows you to customize your bony look.

Lastly, Season 8, which you can expect to play on Xbox and PC next week, November 22, will turn the Golden Sands outpost into a full-fledged port city – a first for the game, and something a little different for you. for players to enjoy. .


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