Resident Evil 4 Remake includes typewriters


When you think of saving your game in Resident Evil, what comes to mind first? I imagine it’s a typewriter, or even an ink ribbon. Maybe even the voice recorder tapes, if you’re a big fan of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard.

To learn more about the new version, check out what Alex and I had to say about it in our discussion.

I recently spent some time with Resident Evil 4 Remake, and I made sure to pick out every fine detail I could locate. I wasn’t just straining to hear Leon Kennedy say, “Bingo?” or to determine that organizing my storage box was actually as satisfying as the 2005 title, but – and I’m sorry I doubted Capcom – I was also looking for a typewriter.

Resident Evil 4 was not the first Resident Evil game to use a typewriter as a save point, however it was the first to use a typewriter that did not require ink ribbons. Saving also became unlimited, before it was finally abandoned in Resident Evil 5, along with the spirit of the series.

Don’t worry. Leon’s iconic dropkick obviously made it to the remake as well.

Anyway, I found a typewriter. After all, it wouldn’t make any sense to remake Resident Evil 4, a game that’s supposed to have closer connections to Resident Evil Village, without having typewriters as save points. However, nowadays, you never really know what will become a remake and what won’t (looking at you, Resident Evil 3 Remake).

It’s worth mentioning that in the version I was playing, we couldn’t actually use or interact with the typewriters. It was a demo, after all, and I didn’t need to panic about saving my progress for fear that a random Los Ganados would suddenly take me out. It also seemed like there was a form of autosave present between areas of the game, but again, this could all have been exclusive to the demo version.

That said, it’s safe to say that Resident Evil 4 Remake remembers exactly where it came from. So far, based on the demo portion of the game that I was able to play, it feels unmistakably like Resident Evil 4 with some fresh paint and evolved combat.

Leaving little details intact, like the look of the storage box, the save system, and the dialogue, will go a long way in making this a fantastic remake; Seeing that typewriter, even if I couldn’t use it yet, brought another sigh of relief and comforted me that this new version is in the right hands.


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