Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is the series’ lowest rated mainline game on Metacritic, yet I can’t stop playing it


Pokémon Scarlet and Violet were finally released last week, and it’s safe to say that the game falls short of everyone’s expectations. While many of us have been anticipating the release, dying to start catching ‘mons again in a truly open-world setting, others have had their reservations, and for good reason.

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With that in mind, it’s no surprise that Pokémon Scarlet and Violet now reigns supreme as Metacritic’s lowest-rated mainline Pokémon game. It’s currently stands at a Metascore of 76while other mainline titles don’t go below a score of 80. For example, Sword and Shield has a Metascore of 80, while Sun and Moon ranks at 87, and so on.

The difference in scores between titles was first noted by destructoid, and it made me think. If Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are considered so disgusting, why do I enjoy it so much? There are players demanding refunds, but I’ve put thirty hours into just perfecting my pool and I’m still showing no signs of slowing down.

While Nintendo and Game Freak probably aren’t desperate for the score, considering Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been successful in terms of what we can glean from UK sales, it’s not good for fans wanting the experience. Perfect Pokémon that they are used to. .

The main problem with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is its performance and various technical problems. If you’ve spent any time online this weekend, chances are you’ve seen a variety of graphical glitches and comic errors on Twitter and Reddit. These detract from what is honestly an abysmal standard for performance in any Pokemon game.

We’ve seen The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in the open world on Nintendo Switch, so what’s the deal with Pokemon? These glitches and glitches can certainly make your Pokémon Scarlet and Violet experience less wonderful and whimsical; NPCs moving at five FPS if you’re more than a foot away, and monsters falling to the ground in the middle of battle are fun, but also disappointing.

You’re regularly reminded of what Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is capable of… until your game crashes again. I can see why the game wouldn’t be for everyone. The ridiculous pop-in is jarring for the most part, and let’s not forget those ‘mons’ you don’t even see until you’re standing on top of them. However, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet grant players freedom, faster battles, and improved multiplayer, which means I’ll be sticking with it for a while longer.

Sword and Shield could have had better graphics, but I’ll take the mess of bugs that is Pokemon Scarlet and Violet over its predecessor’s relentless hand grip anytime soon. Here’s hoping there will be a performance patch soon.

Have you already taken a look at the latest installment of Pokémon or will you miss it? If you’re well on your way with your Paldean journey, be sure to check out our guide on the order of each Gym, Titan, and Star Boss.


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