Newsday Crossword November 11 2022 Answers – Daily Answers


You are here probably to find: Newsday Crossword November 11, 2022 Answers. We recommend our visitors to play and take advantage of their free time by solving crossword puzzles, as it helps to strengthen our memory.

Barts catchphrase at the end 4 Letters A COW
Curved Billiard Shot 5 Letters DOUGH
Coolidge Nickname 3 Letters CALIFORNIA
Clog for one 4 Letters SHOE
Carl’s wife in Up 5 Letters ellie
Caustic 4 Letters ACID
Nutritious cannelloni for short 4 Letters CARBOHYDRATES
A certain sound produced by high-heeled shoes 10 Letters CLICK-CLACK
Cary Grants director in four films 9 Letters hitchcock
Hide with 5 Letters HIDING IN
Captivate a crowd with your own words 5 letters PERORATE
Feature of choice 6 letters SUBTLETY
Cunning 6 Letters INSIGHT
White balls bounce 5 letters BILLIARDS
Rival Chase 4 Letters CITI
Chip dip 5 Letters SAUCE
Ceremonial Assent 3 Letters I MAKE
Risky and random 15 Letters CAPCHASCATCHCAN
Calabria vs. Italy 3 Cards TOE
You chose wrong 5 Letters MISTAKE
Could have been something __ 4 letters I ate
Contests on tracks 5 Letters RACES
Contentment Commentary 6 Letters I AM HAPPY
Domain capabilities 6 Letters SKILLS
Conk namesake 5 Letters SHELL
Church Doctrine 5 Letters CANYON
Chaucers Italian Influencer 9 Letters BOCCACCIO
Colonies of tiny bacteria 10 letters MICROCOCCUS
Cry of dismay 4 Letters OH
Pot in the kitchen 4 Letters OVEN
Command based on political power 5 Letters INFLUENCE
Reduce 4 letters STEM
curly shape 3 letters SSE
Compete in a contest without blinking 5 Letters STARE
Caddy supplies 4 letters TSHIRTS
Chagalls author friend 4 Cards ASCH
Coffee order 4 letters CHAI
__ cloud (region full of comets) 4 Letters ORT
Creative Outlet for Aspiring Cartoonists 8 Letters WEBCOMICS
Cradle of Islam Resident 6 Letters Mecca
Compromise assets (a) 5 Letters TO ASSIGN
Cake Serving 5 Letters SLICE
Call in __ 4 letters SICK
Cry of fright 3 Letters EEK
Cat of many colors 6 Letters CALICO
10 college letters ACADEMIC
According to the laws 5 Letters LAWFUL
Couture Initials 4 Letters dkny
Successor of Charles de Gaulle 25 years later 6 Letters CHIRAC
Charlemagne’s Domain: Abbr. 3 letters HRE
Republican Elephant Creator 4 Letters NAST
CD for one 4 Letters BILL
Campanian Farewell 4 Cards ICOA
Spoken comments 10 letters DECLARATIONS
Covered 4 Letters COATED
Cold War Era Countries: Abbr. 4 letters SSRS
Crackerjack 3 Letters ACE
Graphic fills 4 letters DATA
Cursorily developed for 4 short letters ONE D
Abrupt dismissal 6 Cards HELL NO
Consort of Aphrodite 4 Letters Ares
Cause of Consumer Reluctance 8 Cards HIGH PRICE
Squirrel cache 6 letters ACORNS
Cause action for 6 Cards INCITE
Cher 70s record label3 Lyrics MCA
Conveniently named Midwest 4 Letters Radio Station KCMO
Gullible 5 Letters NAIVE
Campout Heater 5 Letters COCOA
come pass 5 letters OCCUR
Clean up in a hurry 4 letters SCREW
Cuddly 4 Letters PRETTY
Frozen Carbonated Drinks Brand 4 Letters ICEE
Current measures 4 Letters OHMS
The volume of the car engine measures 3 letters. CCS


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