Monster Roadtrip Rest Stop Options Explained


roadtrip monster rest stop
Image via Beautiful Glitch

There is a particular kind of magic in a roadside rest stop. Random people scattered around the parking lot, hotdogs of questionable quality rotating in the convenience store; It’s almost like a fantasy hub city! Fittingly enough, Monster Roadtrip’s regular rest stops function almost exactly like a fantasy hub city. Here is an explanation of all the rest stop options in monster road trip.

Monster Roadtrip Rest Stop Options Explained

Stopping at the rest stop marks the end of the game week in Monster Roadtrip. After your group has watched four events, you’ll always end up at the rest stop, which features five potential activities you can do. These activities can help you manage your resources, plan the next leg of your journey, and meet your fellow travelers.

Related: Monster Roadtrip Barter Trinket Resources

Please note that you can only participate with one rest stop option per week. Also, if you’re playing multiplayer, all options except the car can only accommodate one player at a time. The only way to get another player out of the chosen spot is to beat them with Prank Dollarz in Prank Masterz mode.

Things to see, smells to experience

The rest stop features the following five activities:

  • Car
  • noodle barter
  • The bus stop
  • The board of destiny
  • the banks


Going to the car will allow you to choose one of two mini-boosts. If you choose to be a careful planner, you will gain 1 point on your current lowest resource and lose 1 point on your current highest resource. If you choose to be a Risky Traveler, you will get 1 point on your highest resource in exchange for 1 point on your lowest resource. Again, this is the only option that can accommodate all four players at once.

noodle barter

Do you need to do any resource trading? If you visit the Noodles stall, you can trade and receive trinkets that represent your resources. For example, swapping a gas canister for the butt of a horse costume will cost you magic, but you’ll gain hype. This is useful if you need to adjust your resources, but not necessarily the highest and lowest.

The bus stop

monster roadtrip bus stop
Image via Beautiful Glitch

More roadtrippers means more fun! At the bus stop, you can pick up one of two randomly selected hitchhikers to take you to the road. When you have a hitchhiker in your party, you may occasionally come across special events while traveling between locations. If you reselect the bus stop when you already have a hitchhiker, you can choose to kick him out and replace him or have a conversation with him. Talking to your hitchhiker will trigger its passive effect, granting you additional resources or altering how events affect your resources. If you chat with them enough times, you might even get an end date!

The board of destiny

It helps to have a half idea of ​​where you’re going. The Destination Board will give you a selection of three possible event locations, including how resources could potentially affect them. Whichever you choose is guaranteed to show up on the trail next week. This is a useful way to force certain events to appear, whether you’re looking for certain resources or just want to see new things.

the banks

Your stalwart traveling companions, Polly and Scott, will always hang out on these benches, eager to chat. Just like hitchhikers, he can chat with any of them to find out more about them, as well as to search for a date finish. Both Scott and Polly have the same passive effect, adding an extra point to both resource gains and resource losses for the next week.

Carefully considering your options at the rest stop will go a long way toward ensuring that your road trip ends up somewhere really cool. You know, as opposed to breaking into a ditch somewhere.


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