Modern Warfare 2’s wide-open map design is great for FPS grandpas like me


As someone who loved the entirety of 2019 Modern war reboot, I’m sad to say that, contrary to expectations, I found the MW2 campaign to be largely underwhelming. But its multiplayer mode (launch issues aside) is the most fun I’ve ever played. Obligations dwarves.

Without a doubt the campaign Attempts to do new things.

I could write an entire article about how gunplay has never felt better, or how Infinity Ward has once again made big changes to push CoD’s core formula forward in a meaningful way. After two extremely predictable premium releases in Black Ops: Cold War (2020) and Vanguard (2021), Modern Warfare 2 is itching to come home. Yes, the current UI is incredibly clunky and the new perk system will cause more balance issues than usual, but its MP core is rock solid, especially in map selection that doesn’t feel like three-lane slaughterhouses. that actively kill the brain. cells.

That last statement could be the “nah, I’m done” point for many hardcore CoD players reading this article, but bear with me. I’m well aware of the leaning of much of the gaming community towards more traditional three-lane maps with clear lines of sight and easy-to-memorize corners; After all, those are easier to “make work” for competitive play. But that’s not what most of the maps used to feel like in the most beloved CoD entries of the PS3/360 era.

Lawsuits aside, the hotel is a wonderful map layout.

Let’s start a short recap with OG Modern Warfare classics Crash and Crossfire for example. Those maps were nothing alike (apart from the abundance of camping spots). The action in the former revolved around a crashed helicopter and several dangerous buildings, while the latter encouraged more cautious playstyle and long-range engagements. Maps like Showdown and Vacant (or the craze that was, and still is, Shipment) took care of the “run and gun” games. And we all totally agreed with that.

Moving forward to Modern Warfare 2 (2009), Modern Warfare 3, and previous Black Ops entries, there’s a clear and steady progression from the aforementioned type of map design to levels with stronger visual identities, but with the same pace as clearly push. cut places with little or no room to maneuver forward. Push back, push forward, or try to hold a position that shouldn’t be held. Enemy spawns screwed you ASAP. Coverage was limited. Rinse, repeat.

Taking cover in MW2 means the difference between keeping your scalp or losing it.

As stated above, many have argued that Call of Duty is best when it tramples campers and more defensive players. And that note has dominated map design for the franchise’s main multiplayer experiences for the better part of the last decade. Regardless of class builds and different weapon customization options, the most recent entries have been skimming through whatever slots are available, the indirect message has always been “well CoD should be played this way”. And that sucks.

This philosophy probably peaked with 2018’s fourth Black Ops entry, which ditched the campaign (one of the franchise’s biggest mistakes) and embraced a MOBA-like identity that wasn’t nearly as engaging as Overwatch makes it.

The “soldiers are now heroes with ults” approach that worked decently in Black Ops 3 took over the entire game, and that included an excruciatingly long TTK (sorry, I don’t want my military marksmen playing like Unreal Tournament) and most restrictive and simple maps in the entire franchise. Any graphical complexity found in them was just a nice cover for level geometry and overall design that felt like playing early versions of Counter-Strike, at best.

Learning all the nooks and thieves is once again a joy in MW2.

Fortunately, the Modern Warfare reboot changed things. With the (soft) reset, the mpas started to get some personality back; they would arrive with real verticality, they weren’t afraid to ditch symmetry, and they gave us all more freedom of movement by promoting updated mechanics (night vision, footsteps) and forcing us into all the nooks and crannies we needed to crawl backwards. to when the pressure was too much. Once again, you could top the scoreboard by loitering around with a sniper and Claymores, or running around like a headless chicken with your SMG of choice… Unless you’re playing his Shipment remaster, of course.

Military shooters can feel very different, and that’s a good thing. But I firmly believe that they shouldn’t forget where they came from or where they fit into the ever-growing FPS environment. By welcoming back some of its more tactical roots, Call of Duty has regained much of its lost value. I still think that Treyarch and Sledgehammer aren’t that into the slower paced game like Infinity Ward, but the fact that the latter studio is spearheading the development of the next generation of CoD (after defining the last three years with their 2019 release) gives those teams options a lot of weight.

Even the literal lanes of the highway map feel more creative than some CoD maps.

I know, I know… CoD gameplay isn’t what you’d normally describe as tactical – its strong trick shot, super tough DNA isn’t going anywhere – but there’s a big difference between your average Black Ops 4 game and that of Modern Warefare 2. 6v6 encounters. Despite its fast pace, both the available team options and the maps cater to long-lost playstyles. Wide areas are wider, there is more cover available, spaces to dig in. It’s not hard to make out three main lanes in most of them, however a team can do absolutely well in kill-focused modes by sticking to the side lanes, which were once completely removed, and keeping key buildings as points. of control, raining fire on unsuspecting deviants.

For someone on the way to 31 years of age who is already losing fast FPS reflexes, having the option to be useful to my team by picking an area of ​​the map and snuggling up with squad mates (Ground War is best for this) he feels strange. rewarding while playing the latest version of CoD. Modern Warfare 2 (2022) is still a shooter at its core, and there’s a good chance I’ll get smoked in a 1v1 head-to-head encounter, but I appreciate having options to outwit my opponents with the environment. Battlefield is what Battlefield does best, but the fact that much of its DNA has been successfully injected into Modern Warfare 2 (and this goes for the smaller game modes as well) makes me optimistic about the future of the game. franchise once again.

Let’s hope that the incoming maps maintain the excellent standards of MW2.

Santa Seña, in both its small and large versions, may be the best example of MW2’s map design; the three main lanes are fairly clear as its center is a wide road, with two straight secondary roads (and roofed roads) on either side. But the big twist is that it’s completely filled with abandoned cars that are both explosive hazards and the perfect cover to hide and ambush enemies.

Third Person TDM Matches – The overall feel changes a lot once you can peer around corners and over obstacles with the camera – Santa Seña is some of the most tense CoD experience I can recall as you check out each car shattered and opening suddenly becomes the top priority to stay on top of the scoreboard.

The conscious verticality of the new maps is refreshing and fun.

The Ground War and Invasion maps also feature more varied geography that feels natural and more fun. Also, almost every building can be a death trap now, and special attention has been paid to high ground, and most capture points are now vulnerable to fire from almost all directions and heights. Check those windows!

As we move into Season 1 and beyond, it looks like this game is going to have to stay strong after 2023, with Warzone 2.0, new maps, and much more, I hope Modern Warfare 2 doesn’t forget what makes it special and refreshing. . appealing to gamers who had taken a long Call of Duty nap.


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