Modern Warfare 2 players on PC and Xbox can’t disable cross-play


modern warfare 2As with most recent Call of Duty games, it supports full multiplayer crossplay and cross-progression across all platforms. This allows players to group up and match up with each other.

However, for one reason or another, some would prefer to only play with players on their own platform, which is where the option to disable cross-play comes in. Except it’s only available on PlayStation right now.

Back to the good old days?

Although this may seem like another sneaky PlayStation-exclusive feature, the ability to disable cross-play has been available on other platforms in years past. Although it was often late to Xbox, and sometimes it would disappear and then come back.

However, at the launch of Modern Warfare 2, it appears that only PS4 and PS5 players can disable crossplay. The switch, usually found under Account & Network, simply doesn’t exist on PC or Xbox, as you detected. eurogamer.

This may just be a bug, or the feature might have been disabled to handle server loads in the early days. Until then, Xbox gamers who want to disable crossplay will need to do so through their console’s system settings, which will obviously affect all other multiplayer games.

As for why someone would want to limit their player pool by disabling crossplay, the reasons vary by platform. Console gamers may see mouse and keyboard as offering an advantage, or may want to get rid of cheaters in their lobbies, in case that becomes an issue. PC gamers can also feel at a disadvantage when playing against the controllers’ strong aim assist.

If you don’t see what all the fuss is about, or if you’re too busy playing the game to care, you should probably read this guide on how to quickly level up your weapons in Modern Warfare 2 and the best mods to grind on those. First days.


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