Kingdom Hearts’ next game gets a mysterious tease after Square Enix remembers it exists
After a long silence of no Kingdom Hearts Missing Link news, the official Japanese Twitter account has finally posted an update. Kind of.
Earlier today, you might have noticed some changes taking place on the Japanese Kingdom Hearts: Union X Twitter account, the now offline mobile game. The account has now transitioned over to focusing on Kingdom Hearts Missing Link, the next mobile game in the increasingly large Square Enix series that was first revealed last year alongside Kingdom Hearts 4. Now, after months of silence, the account has posted a brand new tweet of what looks to be a screenshot of Missing Link, with the hashtag “KHML.” Sure, why not!
Of course, in typical Kingdom Hearts fashion, the screenshot itself is suitably vague. It’s just in some section of the gothic city first seen in Union X, and later in the first trailer for Missing Link, of what looks to be a construction site. The account’s banner has changed too, showing the game’s logo in front of a gothic city we first saw in Union X, and later in the first trailer for Missing Link. “But Oisin, what does this all mean?” I hear you ask me, the resident Kingdom Hearts expert. Beats me!
Knowing series creator Tetsuya Nomura, I’m sure the place shown in the screenshot will be somewhat important, but the way in which it’s important will not be clear at all until we get to play the game. Mostly it’s just a mysterious teaser to get excited for the mobile game, which is surely going to be out soon given the posting of it at all.
Another thing we can garner from this tweet is that we’re probably still a ways away from seeing anything else of Kingdom Hearts 4. The last, and only, trailer we’ve had for the sequel was a year and a half ago, so it can’t be too far away, but odds are Missing Link will be out before the not-quite-fourth game in the series will be out.