Just like Elden Ring, Tears of the Kingdom’s scariest enemy wants to give you the finger


Breath of the Wild’s guardians are completely absent from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but there’s one thing that won’t help you sleep at night.

There are spoilers ahead on this for one for said new enemy and more.

Meeting my first mobile guardian in Breath of the Wild is perhaps one of the scariest (and most humiliating) things I’ve ever experienced in a game. The breakneck speed of him, the laser on my back with a one shot attack, that panicked piano score that feels like Link is experiencing PTSD. It all added up to an utter terror of an enemy. I felt a sense of relief that they are nowhere to be found in Tears of the Kingdom’s Hyrule. So, of course, Nintendo added a new enemy, one that is literally the stuff of nightmares.

I mean, of course, those hands. If you know it, you know it. I don’t even know what the things are called, but I hate them. They’re made entirely of sadness, they’re ridiculously fast, and if they catch up with you, they’ll literally grab you and squeeze the life out of you until there’s nothing left. I’m not the only one who hates them, as many people think that Tears of the Kingdom is essentially a horror game.

Twitter user Combust certainly felt that way, showing himself being chased by one of them right in the middle of Hyrule. The whole sky turns red as they chase you, it’s horrible!

One Reddit user compared them to Skyward Sword’s Silent Realm guardians, who also relentlessly hunted you down in incredibly stressful fashion.

These enemies must be the most terrifying thing in the franchise on par with the guardians of the silent kingdom of Skyward Sword.
by u/DeezNutsColin in tearsofthekingdom

Another user put it quite simply: “I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I HATE them.”

I hate them I hate them I hate them!!!!
by u/Highbeams_off in tearsofthekingdom

And to top it all off? You can’t even trust the trees anymore.


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