It’s cheaper to buy this Overwatch 2 charm in real life than it is in the actual game
At this point, if you haven’t heard of Overwatch’s aggressive monetization and customer dissatisfaction, you must have been living under a rock (or you’re more out of touch than we are, in which case, well done). Whether it’s battle pass issues or complaints about how the Halloween Terror event is running, players have quite a few complaints with the newly released free-to-play shooter.
To illustrate the point about how little value you get for money in the Overwatch 2 in-game store, one player bought a charm, a charm that you can also get in-game, in real life. The kicker? It costs less money to choose the Pachimari charm in real life than it does in the game.
The Pachimari, which you might remember as Hanamura’s “UFO hunters” toy from the first game, resembles an onion with a smiley face and green tentacles, and has become something of an Overwatch mascot ever since. the game was first released in 2016.
After players spent minutes looking at the little chibi onion on cases before a match started, it began to gain popularity. Roadhog has a thing for them per game lore (he often sees them steal the stuffed animals), and even has a mask based on the mascot. Multiple heroes have sprays of the tentacled onion, and of course, there’s real-life merch, too.
reddit user hello_i’m_barbarossa has posted a post demonstrating how much cheaper it is to buy the charm IRL than it is to buy the one from Overwatch 2 itself. In the Blizzard store, you can choose the Pachimari J!NX 3D keychain for $5 – a far cry from the 700 Overwatch coins it costs in-game (you need to spend at least $9.99 to get 100 coins in the Overwatch 2 store). A commenter on the thread states: “Even if [Blizzard] charged $7.00 for the charm in the merch shop, it would still be cheaper than spending $10.00 for enough credits,” to which another user replies, “Beware, they might update the merch shop prices if they find out.”
Maybe this issue wouldn’t be so bad if there were still free loot boxes you could unlock on a free track in the battle pass, huh? As fans grow increasingly impatient with the game, the next move is squarely in Blizzard’s court. We’ll update you with anything the studio does next.