Is it a game? Is it a collab? PlayStation Japan is teasing… something


Well, good news fans of teases, PlayStation Japan has decided to unleash one, and it seems to be pointing towards some kind of advertising collab with Japanese band King Gnu.

As most good vague stunts designed to get people talking do, this one originated on Twitter, with PS Japan having well and truly put the cat amongst the pigeons by posting a short video featuring PlayStation’s iconic buttons logo, a crown, and ‘11/23’. That said, by far the best part of the clip is the audio, which features the usual PlayStation voice jingle, followed by some extremely high-quality scribbling sounds.

Naturally, after the tease was spotted by Genki_JPN, it hasn’t taken eagle-eyed fans long to connect the dots and come up with a theory as to what could be being hinted at. Then again, given that Japanese band King Gnu went ahead and posted the exact same short clip, inferring that they’re involved in some fashion isn’t exactly Harrier Du Bois-level detective work, assuming you knew where to look.

So, yes, it looks like King Gnu could be set to star in a new musically-themed advertising campaign similar to one PlayStation did with another Japanese musician, Kenshi Yonezu, last year.

If you’re not familiar with King Gnu, I’m reliably informed by a coworker – whose knowledge of Japanese culture isn’t limited to the Like A Dragon series and the third Fast and Furious movie – that they’ve done plenty of cool stuff, including few themes for animes like Jujutsu Kaisen.

Odds are one of their existing tunes – or a special new track – will be getting slapped over a trailer of some kind that we’ll get to see on November 23. Serendipitously, that’s later this week, so we seemingly won’t have to wait long to get our answer.

While you wait, why not peruse King Gnu’s back catalogue or put those scribbling sounds on repeat like I definitely didn’t do while writing this article.

In other news, the producer behind Nier Automata recently promised that more games from the series are coming in the future, though they’re not necessarily that nier (near, get it? I’ll see myself out).


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