Ice T announces Payday 3 heist mission during Gamescom Opening Night Live


Ice T announced that he’s getting his own heist mission in Payday 3, allowing you to shoot and rob fellas alongside your favourite ice cold rapper.

We don’t see a huge amount on what exactly this mission will entail, aside from the fact you’ll be infiltrating a warehouse filled with heavily armed guard, nor is it clear whether Ice T will just bo doing voice over or will play a larger part in the heist itelf. We’ll have to wait and see!

At this point, we’ve gottan a fairly comprehensive look at what Payday 3 has to offer. As fans would expect, it’s very much in line with what the series has established gameplay wise. Players have been able to try it out themselves thanks to a closed beta, and while they’ve been largely happy with what they’ve seen and played, remain a tad dissapointed due to the game’s always-online requirement.

It’s cool to see more Payday 3 as we inch towards the games’ September 21 release date. Also, I’m personally a big fan of rappers getting involved with video games in general. Whether Ice T can top Snoop Doggs numerous video game appearences in Def Jam: Fight for NY and Tekken remain to be see.

What did you think of the trailer? Let us know below!


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