Gingers? In video games? Who allowed this?


Welcome to episode 52 of the Best Games Ever show: the best game with a red-haired protagonist.

Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is just the latest in a long line of Gaming Redheads, an esteemed group that includes such celebrated characters as Official Femshep, Joanna Dark, and Heavenly Sword’s What’s-her-face. And it fills me with pride to see this proud tradition continue.

Hear. I’m not even a proper redhead, but my beard is the reddish tint of muddled European cattle, and I look a little reddish with lighting around the edges, so I think that basically makes me part of the redhead community. Therefore, I can confidently say that growing ginger, especially in the UK, is a mixed bag. As far as bias goes, it’s pretty innocuous to be on the receiving end: mostly just silly jokes, nothing particularly harrowing or sinister. But you are relentlessly considered fair game. Hardly a day goes by that you don’t hear a joke about redheads on TV. It’s a trait of your genetics that marks you for endless pranks, but so rarely does it turn into anything worse that it seems almost petty to complain about it. It is not remotely like living as part of a minority that experiences real prejudice, racism or persecution. And so, the Ginger Experience is like living with a permanently clogged sneeze: a perennial source of annoyance that you can’t really do anything about.

However, where we are endowed with enormous privilege is in representation in the media. Many of the coolest people in the world have redheads. Bryce Dallas Howard, Conan O’Brien, Shirley Manson, fucking Michael Fassbender? The list is endless. Nicole Kidman, there is another. Damien Lewis. Ed Sheeran. um. Ignore it, we are not going to claim it. The point is that redheads do quite well in the media and enjoy much more positive representation than most other minority groups. This is doubly true for the world of video games, where you can’t swing a sporran without hitting a dozen red-headed leading men. There are more redheaded video game characters than there are people in Wales. Probably. I haven’t done the numbers. For a group that represents less than two percent of the world’s population, we do extraordinarily well getting on screen. But what is the best game with a Ginger protagonist? Our panelists, as we’ve discussed, have a plethora of options for this one. What redheads stand out from the rest? And how exactly does everyone interpret the word “ginger”?

Who, between Kelsey, Connor and Tom, will be the biggest know-it-all this week?

To find out, you need to watch or listen to this podcast here. Conveniently, we have an absurd number of ways to do this below.

Watch the video version here:

You can also just read the summary below, if you’re the type of person who jumps to the last page of a book (an evil, a reprobate, a bad seed).


tom chose Football coach on the grounds that you can, if you wish, role-play as a redheaded person. It’s not an argument that has fared particularly well.


As games that are entirely the product of trashy puns go, ninja bread man It doesn’t rank as one of the worst, but that’s only because Leisure Suit Larry games exist. Which is the nicest thing to say about it: It’s not nearly as disgusting as Leisure Suit Larry.


Lost features possibly the most redheaded protagonist imaginable: a cat. Not only is he red all over, but, as cats often do, he cautiously moves through the world, always keeping an eye on the nearest escape route, never quite trusting his surroundings. We have to be careful here because we’ve gotten into a lot of trouble covering this game before, but rest assured, at least three of us at VG247 are genuine cat lovers and don’t endorse Siobhán Casey’s views.

“What is the best game show of all time?” you ask? Well, it’s essentially a 30 minute panel where people (Jim Trinca and associates) decide on the best game in a specific category. That’s all. It’s good. listen to it.

Come back in a week for another exciting installment of the Best Games Ever Show.

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