Diablo 4 patch note wishlist: The 66 item changelog this Druid veteran needs


Shortly after the release of Diablo 4, it seemed that the shine had already faded for a certain part of the player base. More specifically, the people who have been playing the game non-stop since its release.

For many of that hardcore bunch, the cracks started to show in Diablo 4 sooner than they expected, and they’ve been telling everyone about the sore lack of some basic quality-of-life features, the absence of meaningful social systems, and game play. final. That could sap all the enjoyment out of the routine.

Blizzard made what few changes it could in subsequent updates, most recently with a big patch that made all classes more powerful and increased late-game XP gains. But clearly there’s a lot more that can be done, especially if you’re one of the people who’s already played hundreds of hours.

That is the case of SCE, a player with over 400 hours on a single character (Druid). SCE shared their experience in a long post on the Diablo 4 forums.

The post includes 66 (probably because they couldn’t get to 666) items on their wish list, made up of things they’d like to see improved. Doubling down on its ‘Devilish Dilemmas’, SCE continues to address everything from loot filters, the economics of gold (gem sales price, lack of significant gold sources), controversial level requirements for loot, the absence of ways to share and save compiles without reboot and more.

The SCE list also covers World Bosses, which currently don’t spawn often enough for players to naturally stumble upon. Cellars are another point of contention among hardcore players, due to how practically useless they are in the endgame grind.

All eyes are on Blizzard today with the big Diablo 4 Season 1 reveal stream. The developer made a point of referencing the quality-of-life improvements that drop with the new season, so perhaps it will be share an answer to some of them later today.

If you can’t wait for the live stream, here’s this Season 1 sneak peek to hold you back until then, where corruption takes over Sanctuary.

If you’re curious about all his thoughts, we’ve also included the full list below:

  1. With the importance of item stats and especially rare ones, a loot filter is in dire need.
  2. You can’t mass-sell items without marking them junk first, which means it’s actually slower than selling them instantly, whereas a “do not sell/discard” would be more necessary.
  3. Many materials are feast or famine.
  4. Over 90% of our gold comes from selling items, as very little gold is dropped, leading to a lot of looting and selling downtime after/during each dungeon.
  5. +Gold affixes in NS dungeons are almost useless because the base gold drops from enemies are extremely small.
  6. Greed Shrines are too weak due to the low amount of gold that drops just like +Gold NM affixes, especially compared to selling items as already mentioned.
  7. Goblins do not provide enough value and no longer have variations.
  8. The goblins have to be heard before they can be seen as their laugh in D3, which was amazing and exciting.
  9. Legendary items are currently mostly skin cabs.
  10. The unique ones should have significantly more distinct sights and sounds when dropped.
  11. Unique items that aren’t ultra rare have significantly different drop rates for no apparent reason.
  12. There is no replay preview for stats or ranks when using the occultist like in D3.
  13. Lesser versions of a modified stat shouldn’t spawn as they’re never an option and feel awful due to the sheer number of affixes and overall cost.
  14. Buying/selling items on third-party platforms is basically mandatory, unless you are extremely lucky or rich.
  15. Skins must be saved in the Occultist UI.
  16. Skins need to retain the gold value of the item they were taken from or people will continue to hoard most items so they don’t potentially lose gold.
  17. Gems need a high enough selling price that you don’t feel like a mistake looting them.
  18. Holy items should not drop after a certain ML level.
  19. Monster parts should be able to be converted/exchanged for other parts at some sort of change.
  20. All currently lootable elixirs should be craftable.
  21. Stamps should have their own user interface and a larger storage space.
  22. Sigils should cost constant linearly or exponentially more instead of their weird currently varying hops.
  23. Item scrapping shouldn’t become useless after a short amount of time because you loot so many normal game materials that it also incentivizes to sell them even more.
  24. The maximum number of convertible items should be unlimited instead of 20.
  25. The stash slot should cost additional gold per stash slot instead of being capped at 4.
  26. There should be no level requirement for account linked articles or ways to do it for alt ones.
  27. The current elemental resistance percentage based on gear is extremely misleading, especially for new players.
  28. Many neutral legendaries are currently much better than many class legendaries, making the builds too similar.
  29. The only ones must be bettable.
  30. Skipable dialogue is needed for certain events, since you essentially just have to afk for ages.
  31. There should be progressively more powerful event spawns after the 5th wave instead of 10+ waves of 5 white mobs.
  32. Transition events should drop items and reward experience, especially if they are timed.
  33. Elimination of most backtracks and dead ends in nightmare dungeons.
  34. There should be a bigger pickup radius or ways to increase it as it happens too often that you accidentally don’t pick up anima orbs etc.
  35. Removed most conditional affixes (close/distant dmg/reduction) as they are uninteresting and bloat the affix pool.
  36. We need clearly observable damage cubes on the stats page and introductions to new players that these systems exist.
  37. The UI should be fully customizable in terms of placement at least rather than everything being stuck together.
  38. Effect processes/durations should be easier to track and customize instead of a little square at the bottom of the screen.
  39. Customizable damage number visibility, size, duration, positioning, and color to reduce visual clutter and help visually impaired players.
  40. NS Dungeon Teleports should get you and your party into the dungeon and be usable in the dungeon itself instead of having to wait for up to 3 loading screens.
  41. Stat crushing is needed, since current enemy health/our damage numbers are already too high, we don’t need multi-million damage in season 0.
  42. The monster density needs to be increased considerably across the board or the dungeons need to be cut back, as too often you walk for centuries through empty corridors.
  43. Hard CC needs diminishing returns or significant nerf to not make unstoppable effects mandatory / too powerful and unfun to play as a class without.
  44. Very unfriendly melee overall gameplay with no reward for increased risk (especially explosions).
  45. ML dungeon attachments, both positive and negative, can be ignored or have too much of an impact (reduced shadow damage vs. reduced critical damage like a spike, for example).
  46. The bosses are too weak and the white mobs are too powerful.
  47. Elixirs need to be stackable to increase their duration to at least 60 minutes so we don’t waste any remaining time on the same elixir that’s already active.
  48. Paragon boards must be resettable at least individually.
  49. Paragon board and talent tree skins should be saveable and shareable.
  50. Paragon boards should be able to rearrange in location and order (rare cost/node requirements).
  51. Cursor position that affects driving speed and route should be turned on or off.
  52. CD remounting/unmounting should be reduced significantly, perhaps with purchasable upgrades from the stable?
  53. Helltides should provide more specific ways to search for items, forgotten souls, obols, etc.
  54. Whispers are currently too weak, as they are immediately buffed as soon as they become available.
  55. If someone decides to do whispers, then running two dungeons is much better than anything else, unless you’re wandering into an area that has one.
  56. Whispers should stack beyond 10 instead of having to go back and forth each time.
  57. +80 max obols as a renown reward feels out of place.
  58. Most cellars are currently not powerful enough and are therefore unfortunately omitted.
  59. When spamming normal/NM dungeons, the butchers are too common and the loot isn’t good enough since the legendaries are currently just skin cabs.
  60. World boss timers should rotate to give people with unfortunate fixed schedules a chance to do so at least a few times.
  61. World bosses and Helltides should be trackable without having to consult the map.
  62. The appearance should be fully customizable as in the character creator when wearing the costume.
  63. The color of armor pieces and weapons should be fully customizable in addition to the presets.
  64. We need multiple search features for multiple systems like stash, talent tree, model board, etc. as the current filters are too broad or miss a lot.
  65. We need better multiplayer systems like party finder, bigger chats, communities like in D3, and adjustable social settings to play with fewer or more people in the same chunk.
  66. A shared map progress/revealed areas etc. for alternate characters from the same season it would be great, since rediscovering all areas of each character doesn’t feel right.


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