Diablo 4 isn’t event a week old and it’s already received another big nerf patch


Diablo 4 received another big balance patch on Saturday, just one day after Friday’s balance patch, which went live just hours after the game’s Early Access launch.

Although both patches bring some bug fixes and game stability improvements, they mainly contain balance adjustments, most of which are nerfs.

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Barbarians won’t be fighting their way through Sanctuary as often now.

Blizzard explained in 1.0.2d patch notes that some class builds were “out of our bounds as far as is reasonable for the health of the game” and therefore needed to be nerfed. That being said, some skills did get small buffs.

The most radical change, however, comes to the glyphs on the Paragon board. Paragon Glyphs can only be accessed after the board is unlocked by reaching level 50. They apparently offered players some great advantages, well beyond the developer’s intentions.

Attack speed notes have been reduced by 50%, so you won’t be able to stock up on as many as before. As for glyphs, the bonus scaling has been reduced by around 34% across the board, with a few exceptions.

  • Glyph bonus critical strike damage reduced by ~66%.
  • Vulnerable Glyphs bonus reduced by ~66%.
  • Glyph bonus to rare nodes reduced by ~50%.
  • Glyph bonus to Magic Nodes reduced by ~40%.
  • Glyph bonus to Cold/Fire/Lightning/Non-Physical/Physical nodes reduced by ~62.5%.

Aside from balance changes and the usual set of fixes, the patch also “significantly reduced” the spawn rate of Treasure Goblins, but only in PvP zones. For the rest of the patch notes, head over to the blog post link above.

For everything else we have in Diablo 4, our beginner’s guide hub is a great place to start.


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