DDoS attacks ruined the weekend for Diablo 4 players
If you tried to play Diablo 4 over the weekend, you probably know that it wasn’t possible most of the time. I know I did, and I definitely couldn’t even log in. I know I did, and what I initially thought was a problem on my end, turned out to be on Blizzard’s part.
More specifically, the developer’s infrastructure suffered a DDoS attack, which took down the servers for Diablo 4, a game that requires a constant online connection.
As you can imagine, gamers quickly took to Reddit and social media to vent their frustration and wonder if others can’t log in either. Blizzard was quick to acknowledge the outage and confirmed that it was, in fact, the result of a DDoS attack.
The developer used the in-game news widget to tell players that a DDoS attack is taking place, which could cause disconnections and login failures. More frustratingly, the DDoS attack also meant that even those who could play entered latency. and rubber band problems (beyond the usual).
A DDoS is a type of attack that floods servers with bogus requests, overwhelming them to the point of failure. Botnets are often used by bad actors to launch these attacks, which are usually aimed at damaging the target’s uptime.
Most of the attacks took place on Sunday and were also not limited to a certain region. Both from Blizzard North America and Europe Customer service Twitter accounts confirmed the outage.
It took several hours for things to return to normal and have been stable since Sunday night. For more Diablo 4 coverage, why not click the link? Lots of interesting stories from the community (and elsewhere) in there, we promise!