Daily Themed Crossword November 25 2022 Answers


Daily Themed Crossword November 25, 2022 Answers. Solving Crossword Puzzles is a fun educational toy that challenges young minds, teaching and preparing some very important life skills. Exercise your brain and solve the brilliant crossword puzzles that are posted every day.

Daily Themed Crossword November 25, 2022 Answers

Mayonnaise container 3 Letters JAR
Open ___ night (time to shine comics) 3 Letters MICROPHONE
Miles Away 3 Letters FAR
Spanish for gold 3 letters Prayed
Coke-___ Cherry 4 Letters SALARY READJUSTMENT
Barista workplace 4 letters CAFETERIA
Informal if 3 Letters YES
Stink of skunks 4 Letters SMELL
Bring in new employees 4 Letters CONTRACT
___ the Day 1956 novel by Saul Bellow whose plot takes place over a single day 5 Letters CONFISCATE
An 1843 ___ Christmas novel by Charles Dickens whose plot takes place over a single day 5 Letters CAROL
Beaver ___ character from Popeye 3 Cards OYL
Last ___ not least… 3 letters BUT
Lean ___ fighting machine 4 Letters TO MEAN
First T of MTWTFSS 7 letters TUESDAY
Redditors Please Stop Oversharing!: Abbr. 3 letters IMT
Solar system project for kids features maybe 4 letters MOON
Birthday candle number 3 letters YEARS
Under the ___ Malcolm Lowry’s 1947 novel whose last eleven chapters take place in a single day 7 Letters VOLCANO
Honeydew or melon, for example, 5 letters CANTALOUPE
Snake Shaped Letter 3 Letters ESS
Shopping destination 4 letters MALL
Boat trips say 5 letters TOWEL
Gentleman in Brilliant ___ 5 Letters ARMOR
Medical researchers advance 4 letters CURE
___ worry be happy 4 Letters NO
pretty wet 3 letters WET
Meccan or Riyadhi maybe 4 letters ARAB
The time machine race 4 letters eloi
Santa ___ California 3 Letters Ana
A Single ___ 1964 novel by Christopher Isherwood whose plot takes place in a single day 3 Letters MEN
Warns that there is danger 4 Letters WARN
O Bonie Was ___ Rosy Brier Robert Burns poem 3 Letters THAT
Almond ___ (candy bar) 3 Letters HAPPINESS
Greek god of war 4 letters Ares
Lasso, for example, 4 letters ROPE
5 letter strutter fashion show MODEL
UN Workers Agency: Abbr. 3 letters ILO
Hot Wheels toy 3 letters CAR
We win ___ and square 4 Letters FAIR
Jimi Hendrixs hairstyle 4 Letters afro
past film reel 4 letters REEL
Warm and comfortable 4 Letters COZY
Facebook Messenger conversations say 5 letters CHAT
Particle Physics 3 Letters ION
Pool players stick 3 letters SIGN
___: oven :: baby: womb 3 Letters BUN
___ Cribs (house tour show) 3 Letters mtv
Moody music genre 3 Letters emo
sit under the weather 3 lettering AFFLICT
___ close for convenience 3 Letters ALSO
Mrs. ___ Virginia Woolf’s 1925 novel whose plot unfolds over a single day 8 Letters DALLOWAY
It was a long time ___ 3 Letters BEHIND
Nagoya coin 3 Letters AND IN
Body ___ Index 4 Letters DOUGH
Roll-___ (certain deodorants) 3 Letters ons
Red Carpet Attendant Briefly 5 Cards CELEBRITY
Singer Ricky ___ known for Livin La Vida Loca 6 Lyrics MARTIN
Hollywood’s Nightmare Street 3 Lyrics ELM
Wayne ___ (House of Batman) 5 Letters MANOR
Many 4 letter pyramid schemes FRAUD
There is only one vibe in its 4 letters. AURA
Country with a verb hidden in its name 4 Letters IRAN
Nevada casino city 4 letters REINDEER
Drops on the leaves 3 Letters DEW
Suffix with Motor or Cray 3 Letters WAVE
Shade of a beach or a bed? 3 letters TAN


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