Call of Duty is the ‘best-selling franchise on PlayStation’… says Modern Warfare 2 Xbox case


It’s no secret that Obligations is one of the best-selling franchises of all time. The series, by the latest official count, has sold more than 425 million units, which means it’s second only to Mario, Tetris, and Pokémon in the biggest video game sales halls of all time.

Is Modern Warfare 2 really like The Last of Us? Well yes a little.

However, when you have the likes of Infinity Ward, Gray Matter Studios, Treyarch, Sledgehammer Games, Raven Software, Neversoft, High Moon Studios, and Beenox and whoever else Activision sends into CoD’s salt mines, that’s not surprising, TRUE? Releasing almost a game a year for over a decade is a sure way to increase sales.

But, despite knowing that the series is one of the best-selling game franchises on modern consoles, gamers are laughing at Activision’s expense this week as a typo was discovered in the Canadian version of the game. modern warfare 2 Xbox physical edition.

According to a post on the r/XboxSeriesX subreddit, the physical Canadian edition of the latest Call of Duty title has a translation or misprint on the box that replaces ‘Xbox’ with ‘PlayStation’ on the back cover. As such, in the Xbox version of the game, the flavor text on the case reads: “best-selling franchise on PlayStation”. Whoops!

It’s true, of course: CoD is the best-selling franchise on PlayStation. It’s amusing that the marketing message appears in the Xbox version of the game (especially when you consider the prickly position CoD has at the moment in the Activision/Microsoft acquisition deal, and the doubts PlayStation has about how CoD will be handled after the fusion) .

Embedded below, you’ll see a Twitter user who works at a Canadian store confirming the typo.

Dodgy translations and physical editions aside, it seems that Modern Warfare 2 has been a success for Activision; Modern Warfare 2 was Call of Duty’s biggest Steam release ever, and it looks like it’s doing just as well on console, too. If you’ve picked up the game and want to know more about it, you can check out our campaign review or find out the fastest way to level up your weapons in our guide.


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