Blizzard already banning Diablo 4 players who took advantage of that seasonal exploit


Just in case it wasn’t clear, Blizzard is making good on its promise to Diablo 4 players to take action against anyone who modifies the game, or takes advantage of exploits.

In the past few days, a particularly juicy exploit allowed players to bring their Eternal characters into the Seasonal Realm, which lets them take advantage of a host of benefits not intended by the developer. Eternal characters get to use the new gear/Aspects, while Seasonal characters essentially received a free boost by selling the other character’s items for Gold.

It was only really a matter of time before Blizzard reacted, because that’s the type of glitch that invalidates seasonal progression. Well, now the developer has. Diablo community boss, Adam Fletcher, responded to a thread on the official forums discussing the exploit, confirming that Blizzard has already taken action against the offenders.

What’s more, the exploit has already been fixed, so no one else will be able to try it.

“I just wanted to let everyone know that this was addressed a few days ago in our last hotfix and hasn’t been present in the game since,” said Fletcher.

“We have also actioned on select accounts related to this incident. We appreciate everyone for bringing this to our attention.”

One Reddit user has also said that he knew someone who took advantage of the exploit and was banned, though it’s not clear how long/severe the punishment is.

Everyone’s eyes in the Diablo 4 community is currently centred on the next big patch, 1.1.1, which arrives tomorrow. The update is meant to right a lot of the wrongs caused by the pre-season patch. The patch also represents a fresh approach for Blizzard, one where the developer will be sharing the change log well ahead of any update’s actual release to avoid the disaster of the previous patch.

Patch 1.1.1 buffs Sorceress and Barbarians, expands the Stash, boosts Legendary drop rates, cuts respec costs, boosts enemy density in endgame content and a lot more.


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