Battlefield 2042 coming to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate via EA Access starting in Season 3
Season 3 of battlefield 2042 It’s only a few weeks away, and from the start, the game will be available on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for EA Access subscribers.
Season 3 comes with a new Raid Specialist, Battle Pass, new hardware, a new event, experiences, and more with Battlefield Portal, along with more improvements, fixes, and quality of life improvements with each update.
Reworks for Manifest and Breakaway are on the docket, along with the return of classes.
New vault weapons will include Bad Company 2’s XM8 for the LMG pool, along with Battlefield 3’s A-91. More vault weapons will arrive in future updates throughout the season.
The Specialist rework will arrive alongside Update 3.2 during the early part of 2023, which is during the second half of Season 3. With the reintroduction of classes into the game, Specialists will have defined roles that allow them to gain access to a set of device specialist. and equipment that best suits your purpose on the battlefield.
These changes have been “extensively” tested, both by players and by DICE.
You can also look forward to the following weapon proficiencies that DICE has so far: Assault – Assault Rifle Proficiency; Assault rifles are ready to fire faster after running; Engineer – Utility Competition; Utility weapons have improved reload capabilities; Support – LMG Competition; LMGs have extra magazines and are more efficient at deploying bipods; and Recon – Sniper Rifle Mastery.
The team also switched Irish to the support role, with Crawford serving as engineer. So Irish will take on Crawford’s current trait, reviving downed teammates with extra gadget ammo, and a new trait is being developed for Crawford that will allow him to better specialize as an engineer.
DICE is also looking into how Rao fits into the new system and is working to improve team and squad communication around this specialist so that he functions as a “strong asset” within the Recon class.
Manifest is getting a facelift with Update 3.1, and a massive Breakaway overhaul is coming with Update 3.2 in early 2023.
Work on map improvements will continue next year, and the studio has already started pre-production on all new content coming after Season 4.
In the meantime, if you haven’t gotten your boots dirty playing yet, there will be free access periods on all platforms in December.
Steam and Xbox users can try the limited trial from December 1-5 and December 1-4, respectively. PlayStation users can access the trial version from December 16 to 23.