Assassin’s Creed Valhalla epilogue releases in December, won’t include New Game+ mode


Ubisoft has announced that the final content update for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla It will arrive in December.

With Title Update 1.6.2, you can expect new content for the game, including The Last Chapter, which will provide a “moving and intimate” conclusion to Eivor’s saga.

15 years of Assassin’s Creed: why there’s never been a better time to replay the first game

The epilogue will tie into some of the stories developed throughout the game and offer closure on his time among the Raven Clan.

The Last Chapter launches on December 6, and key parts of the game must be completed before you can access it.

These include the main story by committing to all of England’s territories and the completion of the Asgard and Jotunheim mythic story arcs. You will need to upgrade your settlement to level 5 and build the Jomsviking Barracks. You must also kill all the Order of the Ancients targets and reveal their leader.

With the content coming to an end, the game will no longer host the limited-time festival events in Ravensthorpe. For those who did not have the opportunity to participate in the Yule, Ostara, Sigrblot or Okoreia festivals, all festival rewards will be available from all merchants in England upon completion of The First Night of Samhain quest (Glowecestrescire arc).

This will allow you to acquire rewards that you might have missed in exchange for silver. The development team will also be adding new rewards with this update as a thank you to players.

Unfortunately, the much-requested New Game+ mode will not be added to the game.

According to Ubisoft, when researching the implementation of New Game+, it realized that the depth of the game gave it “limited options to make replayability unique and rewarding.” Instead, he hopes that the new content released in the past few months has provided enough playable content.

A highly requested community feature coming with the update is the option to keep the hood up at any time. You will find the ability listed in the game options menu. This is a purely cosmetic option, as it will not affect gameplay or detection.

The final update will also contain “a few more surprises” that Ubisoft will share at a later time.

The Assassin’s Creed franchise turned 15 this week and what better way to celebrate than by revisiting the first game.


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