Apex Legends newest character is the witchy Catalyst


reappear has revealed his new character coming to apex legendsCatalyst, in a new animated short showing her backstory.

Catalyst, also known as Tressa Smith, is an “experienced terraformer and defensive conjurer”, who “uses her remarkable ferrofluid control to manipulate the battlefield”, as described in-game. Official site. In the short, called Last Hope, it shows her and a friend trying to save one of Boreas’s moons, Cleo, but they don’t agree on the methodology to do it.

It seems to have a very witchy vibe to it, albeit with a sci-fi twist, some pretty strong vibes overall. Catalyst is also seen chatting with Rampart as the two talk about some crystals the former is reading, which really adds to the witchy feel, as she explains her backstory to her.

This latest character joins as part of the game’s 15th season, Eclipse, which brings more than just a new character. Apparently a new map is coming to the game, possibly Cleo, though it’s hard to tell from the game’s site. Give away is also coming to the game, which allows you to gift things like skins to your friends. You can only do this using Apex Coins, though, and you’re limited to only giving five gifts every 24 hours.

Of course, there will also be a new battle pass which, as always, will have daily and weekly challenges that will give you some legendary skins, reactive weapon skins, and more.

GamesRadar He was also able to talk to Respawn about the new character, who is the game’s first transgender female to make it to the game. The developer apparently worked with both JOY and its transgender employees to ensure Catalyst respectfully represents the community.

Respawn announced that it would be adding gifts earlier this year, as well as cross-progression, though there are no updates on the latter just yet.


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