The character exploring a market area in New World
Image via Amazon Games

New World presents a unique take on the open world MMO genre. Most of its places show off handcrafted pieces of fine art. There is surely an inordinate amount of emphasis placed on detailing the environment and characters to bring out the best in experiences while playing the title.

The Brimstone Sands update is a great example of how New World has developed over the last year. Featuring new enemies, weapons, seasonal events, and combat mechanics. Taking a big turn in the item section, Ancient Glyphs are a big part of the update. These glyphs are spread across Brimstone Sands and challenge players to search and locate each of the 26 structures.

It is a huge task to search for the glyphs, so here is a quick guide to help you find them easily.

Related: How to get sulfur in the new world

New World: All 26 Ancient Glyph Locations

The following table lists each of the 26 ancient glyphs. We have mentioned his number, name, wisdom and location.

glyph number glyph name Wisdom Location
1 DINGTA Up Nekhbet’s Palace
two JIBA Shade Ta-Bitjet beds
3 KEYYA YIB’ Crossing Atum Road
4 TEY II Trip Great Shrine of Thoth
5 WETZUU Gift Spontaneous Oasis
6 CRUUJ Sun heliopolis
7 BOTH Mountain Diospolis
8 PIMBII Sunrise Kephri Arena
9 D’UN-YICH Proof Orcus Pools
10 HIMDE Ocean temple of isis
eleven ABER Day osiris lamp
12 ITKA Down Place of the pillars
13 DZUU First Heru Plaza
14 J’IJ Sealed Sutekh Necropolis
fifteen TSADZUI Wall Great Wall of Nebet-Het
sixteen HIDDEN Home hermopolis
17 B’EYEG Chaos Ennead
18 RIGGA Person Arit-en-Geb
19 EYBUE Virtue satelite
twenty CRUUJ’II Strength Forge of Ptah
twenty-one D’UN-GA Destruction Castrum Principle
22 TAB’ Night Scorpion Ordeal
23 B’ENGYING Shield Serpent’s Pass
24 TSANGMIIJ Food Castrum Victualis
25 JICH Water Heka’s Cauldron
26 DUBUU River Sopdu hot springs

Collecting all of the Ancient Glyphs will grant you a good amount of wealth in the game. Imagine searching for each glyph on your own without a clue. This makes your job much easier.

For more such guides on MMO titles, check out our section on guides to help you through the rough patches of gaming.