Is today’s Wordle a relief after yesterday’s harder puzzle, or a rock solid trick?


What do one of the creators of South Park, the actress that most recently played Cruella Deville, the controversial director of JFK, and Patsy from AbFab all have in common? Well, if you’ve played Wordle 824 on September 21, you’ll know.

There will be spoilers for today’s Wordle answer below the video, so be aware of that before you scroll down – I don’t want to spoil this for you, in case you’ve yet to solve the challenge.

The answer to the Wordle challenge on September 21, is STONE. That’s the surname that all those folks up above share, of course: Matt Stone, Emma Stone, Oliver Stone, and Patsy Stone. It was a relatively easy one for people today, but a quick look on various social media channels will tell you that people still struggled a bit with the latter half of the word.

“Can’t believe I got it in on!” says one player online. And it’s not the only person I’ve seen saying something similar, either; STONE appears to be a fairly common starting word for some people – perhaps even better than ARISE (if you want to focus more on common consonants than vowels, at least).

For those that didn’t nail today’s challenge right away, it seems to be the fourth letter that was the problem – and that makes sense; plenty of other letters can fit in that slot. Before getting to STONE, it’s likely people took the winding route through STORE, STOLE, STOVE, and maybe even STOKE. And no-one wants to go to STOKE, even people that live in STOKE. There’s a reason Robbie Williams got out, you know.

“Really thought I was gonna do good on this one,” says one player that got off to a good start but failed that fourth letter on three occasions before landing on the right solution. “Another one that made me think, ‘oh I’ve got this’. Alas, no,” says another. After yesterday’s fiendish Wordle answer, here’s hoping today’s slightly more straightforward solution paves the way for an easy one tomorrow.


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