Starfield community creates logo on r/places – is overtaken by Italian Twitch streamer


Starfield players aimed for the stars and recreated the game’s logo in r/places, a hugely popular digital collage board where vast communities represent their favorite people, places, and things in general. However, their hopes were dashed by a single Italian Twitch streamer.

The logo existed for a brief and beautiful period, as immortalized with a post by user The_Irish_Rover26 on Starfield Reddit. However, the eventual tragic destruction was also cataloged thanks to salty responses.

“Yes, some trash Twitch streamers invaded as they have with the creations of so many other communities. Fuck the streamers,” writes user Niitte. On the other hand, rationalization came in the form of forward-thinking Starfield fans, like user Razcsi, who is hopeful that future iterations on r/places will have a bigger Starfield presence: “Very few people are active here, and even fewer care about the place. Wait a couple of years for the next place and I bet there will be a lot more people happily drawing Starfield-related content there.”

UK flag at r/places
The UK remains strong. | Image credit: VG247/Reddit

So who exactly is responsible for dashing the hopes of these Starfield fans? Enter the community of Italian variety streamer Tumblurr, who was pleasantly surprised when he established his own internet turf along with the Argentinian flag in the bottom right corner of this gigantic Reddit canvas.

Such is the way with places. Acquisitions like this happen all the time. At the time of writing, there’s a bit of a war going on between Vietnam and One Piece fans, with more showdowns expected on the page in the days to come. Starfield fans will have to rise stronger next year if they want to grab a more permanent position.

For more Starfield pieces, read how one Starfield fan spent 200 hours uncovering the game’s full skill tree, as well as how Starfield is taking the classic Elder Scrolls pickpocket formula and making it real-time.


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