Universal Crossword July 13 2023 Answers


You are probably here to find: Universal Crossword July 13, 2023 Answers. We recommend our visitors to play and take advantage of their free time solving crossword puzzles, as it helps to strengthen our memory.

Beyond Companion 5 Letters ABOVE
Karenina 4 letters of Tolstoy ANA
Revolutionary Guevara 3 letters CHE
Gate 6 letters GATE
King in a Shakespearean tragedy 4 letters READ
___ the bases 3 letters PUT
Birdcage star Nathan on the grill? 11 letters PASSING LANE
Valuable rock 3 letters MINERAL
Acura 7 letter model INTEGRA
Gets the best of 6 letters ONEUPS
Many were played in the ’90s 3 letters CDS
Sound at Old MacDonald’s Farm 4 letters SNARL
as well as 3 letters AND
Just the Murders in the Building star Martin in a track meet? 12 letters RUNNING SHORT
hate 5 letters HATES
Book jacket 3 letters BIOGRAPHY
Nike competitor 4 letters AVIA
lift 7 letters RAISE
The 7 most tanned letters TANNEST
Here in Gilligan’s ___ (end of an old TV song) 4 lyrics ISLAND
Anger 3 letters GONNA
Land plots 5 letters HECTARES
Sharon, the star of Basic Instinct, at a bowling alley? 12 letters ROLLING STONE
brief time briefly 3 letters SECOND
Doing business 4 letters OPEN
org. that tracks viruses 3 letters Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Like some marital property 6 letters SHARED
Essential herbal remedy 7 letters SAGE OIL
Chum 3 letters COMRADE
Mission: Impossible 2 director John at the stadium? 11 letters PITCHING WOO
Banned boxer from 1967-’70 3 letters ALI
Sandwich to eat after a sandwich? 4 letters Airing
wild parties 6 letters RAGERS
Half part 3 letters TOE
Confined with up to 4 letters LOCKED
bottom 5 letters WORSE
Salty jelly 5 letters LAVENDER
Vanilla or plain 5 letters GENTLE
Kicks out of the office 5 letters EXTRACTS
Workshop clamp 4 letters SCREW
4 letter vaping device ECG
All the shebang 3 letters ALL
Grant-Awarding Grp. 3 letters ANE
Second intro? 4 letters ELDER BROTHER
WNBA Game Venues 6 Letters SAND
become less clear 9 letters CLOUD
triangular instrument 4 letters HARP
Peepers 4 letters EYES
___: The Smartest Guys in the Room (documentary about an energy company) 5 letters ENRON
Acquire 4 letters GAIN
Add value to 7 letters IMPROVE
3 letter tip pen TIP
Make a sweater say 4 letters WEAVE
animal party 7 letters PARTYER
Where to find Walla Walla Wash. 3 letters USA
Indian state known for its beaches 3 letters GONNA
ascend 4 letters RAISE
ink 4 letters tattoos
Next in line 4 letters HEIR
Not to mention… 4 letters ALSO
it’s misleading 9 letters TELLSALIE
Men’s makeup in The Wizard of Oz 3 letters TIN
so 4 letters THAT IS TO SAY
A 3-letter Bobbsey twin YAYA
Sixth sense: Abbr. 3 letters ENG
Summer gift on a stick 6 letters ICE BURST
Pianist and radio presenter Juan 4 letras TESH
Being transmitted 5 letters IN THE AIR
cringe 5 letters COWER
Some designer bags 5 letters DIORS
Like a tight race 5 letters NEAR
TIFF 4 letters SPIT
Tick? 4 letters AURA
In narrow ___ 4 letters TERRIBLE
nibble 4 letters GNAW
waffle maker 4 letters EGGO
Base of the decimal system 3 letters TEN
folding bed 3 letters CRADLE


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