This Street Fighter 6 technique is so good, it’s broken the game


A new technique in Street Fighter 6 has been discovered and shared online, which essentially removes the threat of any incoming launch, regardless of what character you’re playing or fighting against. It’s already being investigated by Capcom and banned from most upcoming tournaments.

Posted online by Florida-based Twitter user Chinatown, a mysterious tech monster who had apparently been perfecting the game in the lab before revealing his findings online. Rather than save this technique for the Capcom Cup, a tournament with a $1,000,000 prize for first place, they willingly gave their knowledge away to the masses. A true hero.

The reason this technique is so game-changing is because it allows you to defend against shots with virtually no risk. Let’s say you’re shot down. As you come back to your feet, your opponent is walking around and is positioned to hit you with some sort of punch or throw. If you get thrown, the simple combination of button inputs discovered by Chinatown will get you out of the throw. If you get hit, you block the attack.

Safely removing the threat of throws and overhead attacks, the only remaining options that can threaten your defense are overhead attacks that will break your block if you’re crouching, or a dash forward. Both can be reacted to, so a paying attention player becomes a shell that cannot be easily opened. You can also order to grab them if your character has them, but since it’s also a super unsafe option for any would-be attackers, you can see how he’s totally busted!

As you can imagine, the commotion is running wild among Street Fighter 6’s online player base. But, furthermore, there’s a sense of awe towards the one and only lab monster that revealed this troublesome technology to the world. “Trust this man with your credit card information, he will always do the right thing” write a userwhile fighting against the game player and influencer LordKnight sums up his thoughts with: “this is literally the definition of save that shit for nationals and rattles. Truly a hero (greeting emoji)”

With Capcom now aware of the technology, and the community at large playing with it while they can, it demonstrates the sheer speed at which innovative technology can be discovered, disseminated, and addressed in this modern age of patching. culture and constant updates. We tried to contact Chinatown for additional information on their thoughts, but they did not respond. We can only assume that with their duty done, they’re back in training mode, pioneering new stale techniques for us to go crazy for. Good luck.

Do you know something that Street Fighter 6 players are really crazy about? Feet! At least that’s the case judging by the popular clubs in the game.


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