Mount and cosmetic collecting may be changing forever in World of Warcraft
A small selection of players are playing on the World of Warcraft Public Test Realm (PTR) right now, testing the upcoming Dawn of the Infinites dungeon crawler that will be released with patch 10.1.5. in July. In doing so, they have collected loot that can change the world of mount and cosmetic farming forever.
Collecting rare mounts and cool-looking gear has always been one of the biggest draws in World of Warcraft throughout the year, whether it’s sinking time and gold for Thunderfurry, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker in Vanilla WoW, or farming Mists of Pandaria World. . Bosses repeat every week for a small chance to have a fancy new dragon or dinosaur to ride.
But the rarest things have always been the loot you can’t get your hands on anymore! Over the years various pieces of the game have been removed as the content has changed and evaporated from the live servers. In a Dawn of the Infinites run posted online by UK Content Creator MR GMthe party was able to obtain Quantum loot, which when used provided gear and mounts from previous expansions.
This opens the door to some interesting possibilities. For the average gamer, this would just be a quirky new item with a hint of nostalgia for those who have been around the block for a while. However, for the dedicated collector with a mount tab crammed full of different horses, dragons, etc., this could open the door for those few stray steeds that would otherwise be locked up.
“This is garbage” writes the user Azeida on Twitter, in response to the publication of MR GM. “Items have value based on 1. Rarity and 2. Acquisition. Adding old items now makes them useless. Removed the value from those who had them, AND from those who will get them, since the value is based solely on the items that are removed from the game. Example: store rudders.”
While perhaps a negative outlook, it does touch on the core concern among some in the community that these Quantum pieces have the potential to devalue the game’s only remaining source of prestige. Since raids and PvP augmentation are common throughout the game, you’ll often see transmogs removed or mounts held back as the last way to really flex an account or character. Sure, there are titles and feats of strength, but nothing commands attention quite like a great dragon.
You saw a similar wave of complaints when the Fel Drake was given out for free as a Twitch drop with the release of Dragonflight. That mount, once exclusive to the TCG, saw its value drastically reduced as some collectors screamed in agony.
However, the argument against these complaints is simple and compelling, and is shared by the vast majority of players. Who cares! For the average player, the chance to get their hands on a cool new shoulder piece that his friends don’t have is enough to get them excited about the dungeon. “Wait, wait, wait… maybe this form is an option to get Zulian Tiger without paying the gold cap in BMAH? Sign me up if that’s the case!” writes Avar the Rare Hunter on Twitterone of many salivating at the prospect of a valuable payment from the reins of the Quantum Courser.
Having said all this, there are many question marks attached to this exciting new development. The main one is exactly how the loot works in collaboration with your existing collection. Does the Quantum Courser give you any mount from the past, even if you’ve already collected it? If so, wouldn’t it be horrible to get the low mount drop percentage, only to have a random horse that you already bought eight years ago thrown at you? Do you offer mounts of different types of content, like raids or PvP, or just dungeons?
Until we get an official word from Blizzard, we just don’t know. Depending on how they work, Dawn of the Infinite’s quantum loot could be a new quirky dungeon or another weekly farm for the hardcore collectors. It could very well alter the landscape for rare loot farming in WoW forever.
Let us know where you lie in this! Would you be okay with someone leaving with, say, the Legion Mythic raid moose? What about the Corrupted Ashbringer?