11 things I wish I knew before playing Bayonetta 3
If you’ve been on this site in the last week, you know I’ve been banging on the drum for bayonet 3 quite difficult. A few story tidbits aside (who plays this for history?), Bayonetta 3 is a near-perfect game. The action, the combat, the over-the-top humor – it all comes together to create a game that lives up to the best of Platinum.
But it is not the easiest title in the world to play. One would think, releasing on a Nintendo console as an exclusive game, that it would perhaps be more familiar. No. As expected from the studio behind Nier, Vanquish, and The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 3 can be difficult at times. To really excel in the game, you’ll need to master combat positioning, your timing to dodge and parry, and develop a keen nose for sniffing out secrets.
But, in case you want to go into the game prepared and ready for whatever Bayonetta’s crumbling multiverse throws at you, I’ve put together a quick list of tips I wish I’d known before starting the game that might help mitigate any frustration. . feel and instead allows you to enjoy the game to the fullest while living out your wildest witch-centric, hair-powered fantasies.
Unlock Bat Within ASAP
This skill (one of the first you can unlock when you access the Skills page from the menu) is essential if you want to get more platinum medals than you probably already do in combat scenarios.
Basically, it gives you one last chance to avoid damage if you hit the dodge button as soon as you get hit, nullifying the effect of the attack and allowing you to move away from the danger area. In addition to saving your ass from bosses that can take a lot of health out of you in one hit, you can also get platinum rewards instead of just gold; one hit is all you need to lower your rank per encounter.
More Platinums means more rewards. He plays smart, dodging often. As a bonus, he will also activate Witch Time, which means he will get more shots at a boss and will also reduce the overall encounter time.
Use your demon slaves generously
One of the main differences between Bayonetta 3 and its prequels is the ability to summon massive demons to fight on your behalf.
In the early stages of the game, you will only have a few. More are coming, very quickly, as you progress to the end of the title. Make sure to keep your finger on the right trigger of your Switch; the more you use them, the more damage you can do and the faster you can dispatch enemies. Some enemies, mostly flying or shield-wielding, more or less require you to summon thralls to defeat.
Experiment with them and get used to bringing them in at the end of combos when there is less chance of them being affected by massive enemy attacks.
Don’t limit yourself to default weapons
Similar to Demons, you will gain access to more weapons as the game progresses. While your default weapons are more than capable of wiping out pretty much everything in the game, we recommend changing them; some weapons have better range or can stun enemies more easily.
As you progress, you’ll gain weapons that also act as shields, making late-game encounters much easier. There are also challenges that revolve around the whip, for example, and you don’t want to be stuck there with a weapon you haven’t practiced with. Variety is a friend to progress, and you should change your loadouts frequently.

Weapons are not just for attack
Many of Bayonetta 3’s secrets are hidden in hidden locations and you won’t always be able to get there with Madame Butterfly or Gomorrah.
Sometimes you will have to switch to your spider (it can walk on lava), your frog (it can withstand poison) or your eagle (it can fly great distances without losing height). If it looks like something can be interacted with, it probably can. Get used to switching weapons to maximize your chances of finding secrets.
Don’t worry if you miss a verse
Each level of Bayonetta 3 has between nine and 14 verses (give or take), and chances are you won’t see all of them in your first playthrough.
I scoured the game for a guide and still managed to miss about four or five overall (mostly challenges that were hidden down some godforsaken backroad).
The game has a lot of replay value, and going through a level looking for a verse you missed is pretty fun in itself: don’t worry too much if you miss one, there’s plenty of chance to go back (and you might even want to go back). play the game when you finish it, anyway…)
Use R3 to block
It sounds simple, but this can save you some headaches. There is a difference in Bayonetta 3 between targeting an enemy and blocking them.
Simply moving the right stick between enemies isn’t enough; you need to click on that bad boy to block him. This will cause Bayo’s attacks, and those of his demons, to focus on the targeted enemy.
Since Demon Slaves can often be quite difficult to control (and target), this will be essential if you’re facing distant enemies or trying to complete certain challenges.
Upgrade your new characters as soon as possible
There will be times in the game where control changes from Bayonetta to Viola and vice versa. There will also be times when your arsenal expands significantly all at once.
When these moments happen, launch the menu right away and see what new skills you can unlock – the game doesn’t do much to show what’s available to you (and when), so make sure you go and unlock new skills.
While there is nothing as good as the Bat Within listed at the top of this page, combo extenders, parries, and other useful tools can be unlocked quite often. If you’re playing the game as intended (exploring, fighting as much as you can), currency should never be an issue for this.
Crows, frogs, and cats are listed in order
As you progress through the levels, you’ll notice that each zone has a crow, a frog, and a cat that you can find and “collect”. Though they don’t do anything themselves, these creatures carry Umbran Tears of Blood, special items that unlock a new level when you collect all three per corresponding level.
You can see which ones you still have to collect in a level and they are listed in order. If you get the Frog, say, but notice you’ve missed the Cat, it’s worth going back as far as you can and trying to find it. Alternatively, you can use our Bayonetta 3 Umbran Tears of Blood location guide.
Don’t ignore the phenomenal remains
Once you’ve collected all three tears per level, you’ll unlock an additional side stage called Phenomenal Remnants. They will be ‘remixes’ of existing scenarios that offer a new task; battles against the clock, platforming trials, massive secret boss fights, or a collection of all three together.
Most will reward you with a buff to your health or magic, but some offer even better rewards: one early Remnant gives you an entirely new weapon and summon, for example, while others give you accessories that will make late encounters more fun. of the game be a moment. a little easier. It’s worth making them all as they come, basically.
Watch out for bosses that can instantly kill summons
Towards the second half of the game, there will be a series of bosses that will try to simply kill any of your Demon Slaves with a single hit.
In fact, I’m pretty sure some bosses automatically kill them as soon as you summon them. To counter this, practice your high-damage melee combos (which you can increase with demon damage by pressing ZL at the end), or just bring in the big ones when you activate Witch Time.
There’s one boss in particular that you’ll be facing multiple times that loves to finish your summon in one hit, but luckily it’s pretty easy to activate Witch Time against it. If you miss a call, don’t worry; they turn back time eventually.
Use Witch Hearts as full health restores
There are some pretty tough bosses towards the end of the game that have around 8000 different forms. If you need health, and a lot of it, you can use any Witch Hearts you’ve been sitting on for a full restore, and it doesn’t count as using an item towards your end-of-level score. Whistle! You don’t need to use them as soon as you get them, and if you’re digging up all the secrets, there are plenty to uncover in the levels as well.